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The boy nodded. “Where the road gets wider. When it turns away from Breadie Manor.”

“And did you notice if it went in the direction of where there are a lot of lights, or not so many?”

Joseph frowned. “Away from the lights, Uncle Graeme.” “Up a hill, correct?”

The boy nodded.

“You’re sure?” Logan asked.

“Yes, Papa. I remember because the horses slowed down.”

“It’s definitely Balmore Road,” Graeme said.

Alec clapped him on the shoulder. “We’ll make a spy out of you yet.”

“I hope not,” Victoria muttered.

“I think I know where they’re going,” Graeme added. “It must be to Dun Manor.”

“That’s all but a ruin,” Nick said. “And why go there? It belongs to Clan Graham, not to the Murrays.”

Alec snapped his fingers. “But it used to belong to the Murrays, a few hundred years back. The Grahams claimed it during one of the clan dust-ups.”

“Clan feuds,” Edie said in a disgusted voice. “I’m so sick of them.”

“Amen,” said Victoria.

“Och,Sassenachs,” Angus said. “Ye canna understand.”

“We can argue the idiocy of clan dynamics later,” Logan impatiently said. “Graeme, are you sure about this?”

His brother nodded. “Grant and I used to be friends with Roddy when we were younger, and . . .”

“Stupid,” Grant said in a sardonic tone.

Graeme flashed him a smile. “Aye. We went there a few times with Roddy to lark about. It is mostly a ruin, but Roddy said the old place would always mean a lot to the Murrays, especially Mungo. He was determined to get it back one day for the family.”

“Good luck with that,” Alec said.

“Yet another reason to hate Lord Riddick and your family,” Nick said to him.

Logan cocked an eyebrow at Braden. “Is Joseph all right?” His brother nodded. “Yes, but he needs to get into a hot bath, and then to bed with a posset.”

“Mrs. Webb and I can take care of that,” Victoria said.

Logan stood. When he started to hand the boy over to his aunt, Joseph clung tight.

“Son, you have to go with Aunt Vicky. I have to find Donella.”

“They’re bad men, Papa. They might hurt you.”

“Och, laddie, nothing can hurt me.”

“That’s true,” Nick said. “Your papa is a giant, remember? And giants can do anything.”

Reluctantly, Joseph allowed himself to be handed over.

“All right,” Logan said. “Braden, you’re coming with us, in case Donella . . . needs your help.”

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