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January 1820

Blairgal Castle

The Twelfth Night ball was in full carouse, and the sounds of celebration drifted up from the ballroom. Donella heard the faint skirl of the Highland reels and the echoes of boisterous revelry.

But here on the highest parapet, the music of the spheres held reign. The stars were bright as comets, and the cold breeze snapped the heraldic flags on Blairgal’s turrets. In front of her stretched the land of her ancestors, glittering like a sugary confection under a blanket of snow. The Trossachs rose in the distance, rugged in the darkness, like silent, eternal giants.

Leaving for the convent three years ago, Donella had thought she’d never see this vista again. It had been a quiet sorrow, and a sacrifice she’d been determined to make. Now the beauty of her home stretched in front of her like a dream magically come to life.

“Are you warm enough, Mrs. Kendrick?” Logan murmured in her ear.

Donella enjoyed the feel of his brawny body against the curve of her backside. After two weeks of marriage, she wasveryfamiliar with her husband’s body, as he was with hers.

“Yes, thank you. How could I not be when I am wrapped in such a magnificent cloak?”

The fur-lined, velvet cloak was just one of the wedding presents Logan had showered on her until she’d finally put a stop to it. Gifts were lovely, but she truly didn’t care about frilly bonnets or pretty bracelets or any of the other fripperies he wished to bestow upon her. Donella only cared that they were finally together.

“You’re the one who should be cold,” she added. “You’re wearing a kilt.”

“Och, it’s positively balmy here compared to Canada, love. And I’ve got you to keep me warm.”

When he pulled her even closer, she choked out a laugh. Even through their clothing, she could feel a formidable erection pressing against her bottom.

“If you think I’m doingthatup here,” she said, “you are quite out of your mind. I’m a respectably married woman. I don’t engage in reckless behavior anymore.”

“You were reckless enough to let me climb into your bedroom even after we were married.”

“I suppose I can make an exception on occasion, but only when the weather is better. I don’t want you slipping on icy windowsills.”

“No fear of that. Speaking of ice, Joseph had fun skating this afternoon. He seems to be much happier, don’t you think?”

Donella wriggled around to face him. A loving smile curved up the edges of his mouth, but she sensed his latent worry. “He had a splendid time, as did your brother. However, you and the rest of the family were nervous hens.”

When Uncle Riddick had discovered that she and Logan had snuck off to get married, he’d insisted on throwing a formal ball on Twelfth Night to properly celebrate their union. Eden and the castle staff had instantly sprung into action to pull off a grand house party and ball on short notice. Since the Kendrick family’s arrival en masse a few days ago, it had been a non-stop series of activities, each more festive than the next.

This afternoon’s treat had been a skating party on the small pond behind the castle. Trestle tables had been set up, loaded with cakes, pastries, hot chocolate, and mulled wine, and a raging bonfire had allowed the skaters to get warm.

Joseph had ignored the sweets in his eagerness to don his new skates. Logan, however, had kept him back until he’d tested the ice with time-consuming caution. Since the pond was no more than five feet deep at any given location, some thought his concern a bit excessive. But given the Kendrick family’s tragic history, Donella had understood. She’d kept quiet while her husband carefully ensured the ice was solid.

Finally, Lord Arnprior had impatiently ordered Logan to cease stomping about like a lummox, and moments later, uncle and nephew had taken to the ice with exuberance. Alasdair had joined them, his little daughter on his shoulders. She’d slapped her papa’s head with glee as he spun in circles and taught Joseph how to skate backward.

Donella had blinked back tears at the sight of her stepson’s unrestrained glee.

Every Kendrick male not on the ice had watchfully guarded the skaters, as had Lady Reese. Her ladyship had been on alert for the slightest risk. She’d even delivered a reprimand to Lord Arnprior, commanding him in stern tones to moderate hisexcessivespeed. That, naturally, had triggered an argument between her ladyship and Angus, and Eden had been forced to separate the combatants.

All in all, it was a splendid day.

Logan’s smile turned wry. “I know I was a bit of a nervous old biddy—”

“A bit?”

He leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. “Cheeky lass. I still worry that he’ll be overwhelmed. He’s not used to being around so many people and so much fuss.”

“He’s not the only one,” she said wryly, “but he’ll be fine.”

The festivities had reached their peak with tonight’s huge ball. Various Haddons and members of Clans Graham and Kendrick had turned out in impressive numbers, filling the castle to the rafters.

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