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The most surprising guests were the Murrays. Initially, Uncle Riddick had refused to even consider talking to Mungo. But Donella was determined to bury the claymore and end the stupid feud once and for all. With the support of Alasdair, she’d offered a solution—her uncle would purchase Dun Manor from the Grahams and gift it to the Murrays, specifically to Roddy. Donella had insisted on that part. The poor man deserved something for all the trouble she’d caused him.

They’d finally managed to convince Uncle Riddick to support her plan. The magnanimous gesture had stunned Mungo into a semblance of goodwill, and the truce was still holding.

“Sorry, love,” Logan said. “I know you hate these massive affairs. But everyone seems to be having a splendid time, even those blasted Murrays.”

“Especially Roddy. I think Lady Reese has introduced him to every eligible girl at the ball. Several seemed quite taken with him, too.”

“It’s amazing what even a rundown estate can do to improve one’s marital prospects,” her husband dryly replied.

Donella smothered a laugh. “Roddy is a very nice person, and he deserves a fine wife.”

“Just as long as it’s notmywife.”

She went up on tiptoe and brushed a kiss against his lips. Logan murmured his appreciation and deepened the caress.

He left her breathless.

“Poor Roddy. I probably would have murdered him if we’d married,” she finally said. “He is just a wee bit boring.”

Her husband’s husky laugh vibrated through her body. “I promise I’ll never bore ye, lass.”

“Of course not. One cannot possibly marry a Kendrick and suffer from boredom.”

“We do tend to get into a spot of trouble, now and again.”

“Like the twins tonight. They’re cutting quite a swath through all the impressionable young ladies.”

“At least they haven’t broken any furniture.”

She grinned. “Yet. Kade and Braden always behave themselves, though.”

“I think Braden was as happy to escape the party as we were.”

Their excuse to escape had been Joseph. After the dancing and the elaborate supper, the boy had begun to doze off in his chair, and Donella had begun to feel rather frazzled by all the commotion. Logan suggested they take Joseph up to bed. Braden had volunteered to read the boy a bedtime story.

Quietly, they’d left the party and snuck up the back staircase to the nursery floor.

After helping Joseph change into his nightshirt, Donella and Logan had tucked him into bed.

“Good night, Mama,” the little boy had whispered after she kissed him good night.

It had been the first time he’d ever called her that, and she’d barely avoided bursting into tears.

Logan had glanced at her face and led her to their bedroom to fetch their cloaks. They’d then climbed the highest castle tower to enjoy the beauty of the winter’s eve and give Donella time to regain her composure.

Sometimes, she couldn’t help but reflect on the miracle that had blessed her life. She’d only met Logan two months ago, and already he seemed to know her better than she knew herself.

“Your family is truly splendid, Logan. I’m so blessed to be a part of it.”

“Och, we’re the lucky ones. You’re the Flower of Clan Graham, after all.”

“And you will find yourself sleeping in the dressing room if you insist on calling me that ridiculous name.”

He laughed. “What name would you prefer then?”

“Mrs. Kendrick will suffice.”

“Duly noted, wife.”
