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“I told ye not to worry, lad,” Angus said. “The laird will take care of ye, just like he takes care of the rest of us.”

“From the day you were born, Joseph, you were a member of this family and clan.” Nick raised his eyebrows at Logan. “There was never any need to worry.”

Logan was embarrassed to have ever thought his brother would have a whit of trouble welcoming the lad into the family fold. For one incredible moment, with Joseph standing between them and holding their hands, Logan experienced a sense of peace he’d not felt in a long time.

The boy tugged on his uncle’s hand to reclaim his attention. “Grandda says you’ll teach me everything I have to know to be a good member of the clan.”

Nick appeared much struck by the notion. “I do believe that’s true.”

“You wouldn’t mind?” Joseph asked, suddenly shy.

“It would be my great honor, laddie.”

“Drat,” Victoria muttered. “I never have a hanky when I need one.”

“Take mine,” said Graeme, extracting one from his inside pocket.

Victoria narrowed her gaze. “Is it clean?”

“Er, mostly.”

“I’ll make do without one,” she dryly replied.

Logan suppressed a laugh.

“I have a chief back in Canada,” Joseph said. “He’s Mi’kmaq, like my mother was.”

“Is he now?” Nick said. “I hope you’ll tell me all about him while we have tea.”

Joseph let go of Logan’s hand. “Really?”

“Indeed,” Nick said, ushering the boy to the chaise. “We clan folk have to stick together.”

Joseph plunked down on the chaise, beaming up at his uncle, who beamed right back at him.

For a moment, Logan didn’t know what to feel. His son seemed more comfortable with Nick than he did with him.

Then he mentally kicked himself. For so long, he’d been worried if Nick would truly accept his son. Now it was clear that the powerful shield of Lord Arnprior’s protection would surround the most vulnerable member of the family. It was all Logan could wish for and more.

Angus returned to his chair by the fire. “Aye, we Highlanders have to stick together, especially against theSassenachs. Those bloody bas—”

“A-hem,” Victoria loudly interrupted.

“Give it up, lass,” Logan said. “I suspect Joseph has heard worse from Angus.”

“Auntie Ainsley told Grandda not to swear, but sometimes he forgets,” Joseph piped up with fatal candor. “On the ship, he and the sailors swore alot.”

Logan snorted. “I can see you’ve been a splendid influence on my son, Grandda.”

“At least I was there, ye ken. Unlike some people,” Angus pointedly replied.

Logan had to struggle to keep his voice even. “Not because I didn’t want to be.”

“It’s all right, Papa,” Joseph said with an odd grimace. “I know you wanted me to stay with Meme Marie. You thought I would be happier with her.”

God, the boy was killing him. “Ialwayswanted you with me, Joseph. I missed you every single day.”

“I know, Papa.”
