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He snorted. “Bossy lass.”

“Best get used to it, laddie boy. Now, please answer the question.”

He shifted to look her straight in the eye. “It’s because I wanted to rip your clothes off and make love to you until I thoroughly wore you out. And then let you rest a bit before I did it again.” He leaned close, almost nose-to-nose. “All night long.”

All she could do was gape at him.

Grant’s smile was wry. “You’re staring, sweetheart.”

She managed to collect herself. “This is an incredibly shocking state of affairs. Such behavior will never do, and certainly not for a sobersides such as yourself.”

“It’s not my fault, lass. You’re so sweet and lovely that I can’t help wanting to make love to you all the time.”

Over the years, Kathleen had been called charming, great fun, and even a jolly good sport by her erstwhile suitors, but never sweet and lovely.

“Truly?” She felt almost shy.

“Truly. I’ve even been tempted to murder the vicar over you. Almost tossed the poor fellow out the nearest window on several occasions, in fact.”

“That’s terribly sweet. But if I married David, my sister would tossmeout a window.”

“Sounds like we’re both in a pickle. What do you propose?”

“I believe proposals are your department, Mr. Kendrick.”

He pressed his lips to her forehead. Kathleen had to resist the temptation to melt into his arms—or say yes before he even asked.

Buck up, old girl. Be sure of yourself.

“Shall I go down on one knee?” he asked in a husky voice.

“I’d suggest not. The gazebo floor is in need of a sweeping.”

“That’s a shockingly prosaic consideration for someone of your romantic temperament.”

“Indeed. I hardly know myself anymore.”

She was jesting, but it was the truth. Grant Kendrick had turned her world completely on its head.

As he gathered up her hands, his gaze turned intent. “I know you, dearest girl. I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. Iseeyou, too. And what I see is more than I could ever be worthy of. But I hope you’ll let me try, because you’re the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met.”

Kathleen blinked back the sting of tears. “Thank you.”

His mouth curved into a loving smile. “Miss Calvert, I hope you will do me the great honor of agreeing to be my wife.”

“I . . .”

She wanted to sayyesmore than anything she’d ever said yes to in her life. But the words stuck in her throat.

Grant’s smile faded. “Kathleen?”

“I . . . I’d like to, but I’m just not sure,” she finally stammered.

His eyes opened wide with disbelief. “You’re joking.”

“I’m afraid not.”

He let go of her hands and crossed his arms over his chest. “You did just ask me to propose, did you not? What in Hades have we been talking about for the last fifteen minutes?”
