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“If he has any brains, he’ll be riding as fast as he can away from Dunlaggan.”

“But Grant, he seemed absolutely determined to get Sabrina’s pearls.”

“We can deal with that later,” he said, anxious to get them out of there. “Grandda, can you tie the rope around Kathleen’s waist so I can pull her up?”

“Kathleen is well able to tie a rope, sir,” she tartly replied.

Grant snorted. “That’s my girl.”

He’d waited half a lifetime for her, only to fear he’d lost her forever. By God’s grace and Jeannie’s bravery he’d found her and his beloved old goat of a grandda. He vowed never again to take for granted the people he loved.

He wound the sturdy rope around his waist and tied it off with a double loop knot.

“Rope coming down,” he called, dropping the rest of the coil down to the floor.

Kathleen and Angus had a short argument about who would go up first, until she finally just told him to cease fashing himself. She then quickly and competently tied the rope around his waist.

Angus tested the knot. “Ye can whistle, play cricket, and tie knots. Are ye sure yer not a boy in disguise?”

“I can say with full assurance that she is not,” Grant said.

Angus looked up with a grin. “Good for ye, lad.”

“Grandda, if you get dizzy on the way up, just tell me. I can do all the work if need be, and pull you straight up.”

“I’m nae such a ninny as needin’ that, laddie boy. I can do my part.”

Grant braced his feet against a small ledge at the side of the cave. “All right, Grandda. When you’re ready.”

“Ready, son.”

Grant held the rope firm as Angus began to pull himself up, using his feet to gain purchase on the cave walls. As the old duffer’s head started to come close to the lip of the cave, Grant could see his grandfather was tiring from the strain.

“Ease off, Grandda,” he said. “I’ve got you now.”

When Angus nodded, Grant began to quickly pull. Only a few moments later, his grandfather was safely beside him.

Grant wrapped an arm around his waist. “All right, Grandda?”

“Aye.” Angus wheezed. Then he started to sink down onto the rock. “Just let me catch my breath.”

Grant untied the rope from around his grandfather’s waist and dropped the coil back down. Kathleen wasted no time securing it around her waist and then gave a yank to test the knot.

“Ready?” Grant said.

Her beautiful smile glimmered up at him. “More than ready.”

“Then come to me, sweet lass.”

Kathleen began to pull herself up hand over hand as he kept the rope taut against her weight. She was strong and nimble and utterly determined. Grant watched proudly as she scaled the wall in practically no time. When she reached the top, he gave a little pull and she tumbled into his arms.

“Oh, thank God.” She burrowed against him. “When Brown captured us, I was so afraid I would never see you again.”

He folded his arms tightly around her. “I will always find you, love. No matter what.”

She lifted her head. “Promise?”

Grant took her lips in a soul-searing kiss, pouring out all the love he felt for her. Kathleen quivered in his arms, kissing him back with a desperation that set him on fire.
