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A bony finger jabbed him in the back.

“There’s nae time for canoodling,” Angus barked. “We’ve got varlets to catch.”

Kathleen reluctantly pulled out of Grant’s arms. “You’re right. Sorry.”

“Ye’ll have plenty of time for kissin’ after we run Brown and his gang to ground.”

“The only place you two are going is back to Lochnagar,” Grant said as he untied the rope and quickly coiled it up.

Kathleen nodded. “Yes, I need to be with Jeannie.”

“And Angus needs to have his head looked at,” Grant added.

“What about horses?” Angus asked. “They obviously took yon lassie’s.”

“I borrowed one from the farmer. Kathleen can ride with me on mine.”

They made their way to the end of the ravine, where Grant’s bay and a sturdy draft horse were tied to a bush. After all were mounted, with Kathleen nestled securely in front of Grant, they picked their way off the rocky ground to the edge of the field.

“Your head all right, Grandda?” Grant asked.

“I’m fine, son. I’ll nae be topplin’ off another horse today.”

They set off at a smart pace. The farmer’s horse wasn’t built for speed, but they still made good progress. In well under an hour, they rode past the gates of Lochnagar Manor.

Kathleen, who’d been dozing for the last twenty minutes, roused herself as they rode up the drive.

Grant kissed the top of her head. “All right, love?”

“I can’t believe I fell asleep.”

“Getting kidnapped does tend to wear one out.”

“As does a man sneaking into your bedroom at night.”

Grant chuckled. “Not tonight. You need your rest.”

“I have a feeling we won’t be getting much rest until Captain Brown and his men are safely locked away.”

“He’s probably halfway to Inverness by now.”

As they rode into the main courtyard and pulled up, the front door flew open and Sabrina came rushing down the steps.

“Thank God!” she exclaimed. “We’ve been so worried.”

“We’re fine, lass,” Angus said as he slowly dismounted. “Just a bump on the head and a few aches and pains for me.”

“We’ll get someone to look at your head,” she replied in a distracted manner. “But we have a problem. Abigproblem.”

“Did Jeannie get back?” Kathleen anxiously asked. “Is she all right?”

“Yes, she’s safe. For now.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Grant asked.

“It means she’s cornered Captain Brown in the library and is holding him at gunpoint.”

“What?” Kathleen yelped.
