Page 35 of Exposed

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“Fuck,” I hear Oscar mutter. A moment later I hear a door open and I’m dragged in, almost passing out at the movement. The door shuts behind me.

“Axle!” the sweetest voice in the world says my name and I lose myself to the darkness once more, this time with a smile on my lips.

Thirty Three


The one small bulb in the room flickers on and off, not illuminating the corners. I wouldn’t be surprised if it went out completely at any moment.

I woke up being tossed in this room, the door slamming shut behind me. It’s funny how much impressions can change. My initial thoughts were that The Tomb was the biggest shithole in the world, but now seeing this place I’ve found a new title holder. It’s freezing cold, the first time I’ve been cold since I’ve been here, and smells like sewage with an undercurrent of old blood and rot. A faint dripping noise is coming from one of the dark corners and otherwise it’s silent.

What the fuck am I going to do now?

The sight of Axle straining and struggling to reach me, then the fog taking me as I watched him be beaten within an inch of his life…

Did he even survive that? Cole said he wanted to challenge him, but there were so many of them kicking and hitting him…

When I hear the door open, I jump up. Exhausted and hurt but not willing to go down without a fight. A man I don’t recognize stands in the doorway, glancing at me briefly before turning. I briefly contemplate diving on his back, putting him in a choke hold and running. Contrary to pop-culture I remember from my youth, I happen to know that doesn’t really work when your opponent could drop back and literally crush you. Then again, maybe that would be better than what my fate tomorrow will be.

I’m glad I didn’t when the man comes in dragging a body behind him. I gasp and rush over to his side immediately.

“Axle!” I cry out and I get the smallest of smiles before he drops his head, unconscious. Tears are streaming down my face, but I hardly notice them.

“He asked for you,” the man said to me, now standing at the cell door. He hesitates. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry this happened to you both.”

I give him the faintest of nods before he shuts the door, clicking the lock behind us. I pull Ax’s head into my lap, running my hand down his face and hair the way I know he likes. He is a complete mess, his face already turning black and blue, his nose obviously broken and his lip severely split. I can only imagine what shape the rest of his body is in.

With nothing to clean or help him with, I sit there holding him and rubbing his head while I hum softly. All I have to give him is my love, and I’ll do it in spades till the last moment.

I stop as the realization hits me.

Holy fuck.

I love him.

This no-good, violent and brutal inmate has someone managed to claim something I never intended to give. Was there ever really any hope for us?

I refuse to let myself cry, but a few tears track down my face regardless.

I have no idea how much time passes, it’s impossible to tell in here, but after a while Ax’s breathing evens out and I think he’s asleep. I look down at his face, trailing my hand across gently. Despite where we are, my heart feels full as I watch him and a faint smile crosses my lips.

As I’m sitting there, wishing there was something I could do for him, I hear a knock on our door. Frowning, I gently put his head down and make my way across the room but don’t go too close to the door.

“Ana?” a familiar voice asks, and I close the distance to the door, placing my hand on it.

“Theo! Are you okay?” I ask, fresh tears forming in my eyes.

“Girl, what are you talking about am I okay?” I can’t hear every word after but some of the mumbles don’t sound too flattering so probably for the best.

“I’m fine for now,” I tell him when he finishes. “A few bruises and a headache but not so bad.”

I pause and look over where Ax is still spread out on the floor.

“Ax is in here with me though, he isn’t looking good.”

I wait and as I start to wonder if he is gone, I hear Theo’s voice again.

“What can I do?” he asks.

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