Page 36 of Exposed

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“I don’t know, whatcanyou do?” I reply stupidly as I think of what he can possibly do. “Can you get Ethan?”

Another pause.


Pressing my ear to the door I hear fading footsteps and send up a silent prayer. If there is anyone else here who I can trust who can maybe help, it would be Ethan.

As ridiculous as it seems, I end up curling up next to Ax, careful not to jostle him too much. All the anxiety and adrenaline, plus having my ass kicked, have made me exhausted. I place one hand on Ax’s chest in case he stirs and promptly drift off.

When I wake again it’s to the familiar sound of keys in the lock. I shoot up from my spot, looking down to make sure Ax is still okay and breathing, before stepping in front of him with my hands clenched. I will not let them take him from me.

The door opens and Ethan steps in and I breathe a sigh of relief.

“Thanks, man. I just need a minute,” I hear Ethan say to someone behind him before the door shuts closed again. We eye each other warily for a moment.

“How is he?” Ethan asks, darting a quick glance down to his friend’s motionless form. I shake my head.

“How do you think?” I reply, trying and failing to keep the anger from my voice. Ethan drops his head, bringing a hand up to run through his hair. From the way it’s standing on end, I have a feeling he’s been doing that a lot today.

“Listen, I can’t stay long but I brought you some water but that’s all I could get away with, and only because I convinced Cole it would be no fun to fight him if he’s half dead from dehydration.”

Vicious fury ignites inside me. “And fighting him when he’s half dead from injuries?” I scowl and Ethan holds his hands up in surrender.

“You don’t need to tell me, girl,” he replies quickly. “There was no way Cole would let this be a fair fight. We all know if not for this, Ax could take him in a second.”

I pinch my lips together.

“Is there anything we can do?” I say more softly this time. Ethan shakes his head sadly. It’s so strange to see such a big and tough looking man look so distraught. Though we’ve practically never spoken, we are connected through the man on the floor in a strangely intimate sort of bond. He looks at me and I can tell he wants to say something more.

“No,” he says, his voice a broken whisper. “There’s nothing.”

Both of our eyes trail down to look at Ax.

“Tomorrow they’ll come for you both,” he tells me, straightening up, “Cole wants you to watch. I…For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I can try to come back later, but no promises. I wish there was something I could do.”

I nod my head and take the offered water. Ethan knocks on the door and I hear the keys jingling. He turns back once more.

“Here.” He pulls his shirt over his head. “It’s cold down here.”

I take it gratefully, not even minding that it’s filthy; everything in this place is filthy. My wraps are basically useless, and the shirt helps dispel a bit of the chill. Plus, it makes me feel more confident not showing as much skin.

With nothing else to do, I make my way back over to Ax and curl up beside him again, pulling his hand into mine. I fall back asleep, dreaming of ways I can save us both.

Thirty Four


Iwake up to conflicting smells assaulting my senses. The first is literally shit, or some kind of sewage anyway. Underneath that though, is a familiar and welcome scent. I groan as I lift my head from what feels like hard cement and crack my eyes open to see Ana curled up beside me. Even this small movement creates jolting agony in my ribs but it’s worth it.

“Ana?” I croak. Her head shoots up, her beautiful clear eyes wide and staring at me.

“You’re awake!” she cries out, reaching to hug me but hesitating. “How are you feeling?”

“How do you think?” I manage and she gives me a wry sort of look.

I close my eyes and take inventory. Other than my rib, I can tell my shoulder has popped out again. My face feels like it’s probably a mess and I can barely see out of one eye. I decide to mention the one thing I am sure of.

“My shoulder is dislocated, and something is wrong with my ribs. Maybe broken,” I grit out. “Help me sit up.”

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