Page 58 of Her Last Audition

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“Echo, come on, leave her—”

“What the fuck is going on here?” Atlas’ voice booms across the room.

The corner of the woman’s lips turn up at the sound of Atlas’ voice. She looks at me another moment before turning around where Atlas is stomping up with a furious expression on his face.

Atlas starts toward me but stops, though I don’t fail to notice how he scans me as though making sure I’m okay. His jaw tenses and he brings his focus back to the new arrivals.

“What the fuck are you two doing here?” he barks.

“Well, you don’t answer your fucking phone so what were we supposed to do?” the man replies.

“I didn’t answer your fucking call because I didn’t want to talk,” Atlas grits out, giving me another side glance.

“We need to talk,” the man says. Atlas doesn’t say anything for a moment before he turns to me, nodding toward my room. My eyes narrow and I go to open my mouth, but am beaten to it by Echo.

“Who is she?” Echo asks, nodding in my direction. There’s something in her question, her tone, and I know it's not a casual thing she’s asking. Who is this woman?

“None of your business.” Atlas glares at her, turning back to me. “Go to your—”

“You were with the Iron Elite, weren’t you?” Echo comments from behind him, and I freeze. Atlas’ face twitches and he watches me closely with a concerned expression.

Swallowing, I move from behind Atlas and take a step toward her.


She nods at the long black dress I’m still wearing.

“I recognize the uniform,” she says simply.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Atlas asks her and I actually flinch a bit at the fury in his voice. I am impressed as I watch Echo look at him with disinterest. Most people, men and women, would be terrified of eliciting that expression in a man who looks like Atlas, and my measure of the new arrival goes up a notch.

“We came to talk to you,” Echo replies. “Didn’t expect you to be keeping trafficked women in your fucking warehouse though, Atlas.” The accusation in her voice is clear and Atlas’ jaw tightens.

“Get the fuck out.”

Echo glares at him and starts to open her mouth before I interrupt.

“Who are you?” I ask her, taking another step. She turns back to me with a small smile and gives a little bow.

“Echo, at your service. And this handsome hunka over here is Killian.” I look over at the handsome, brown-haired man who gives me a simple nod. “And you are?”


She nods, looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes. “This caveman wants us to fuck off, but I have a feeling you and I really do need to talk.”



Denial, Revisited

“Man,she’s not letting this rest,” Kill tells me, running a hand down his face.

I have zero empathy. Killian not being able to control his woman is far from my fucking problem, especially considering my own set of issues.

“What the fuck does she think she’s going to do?” I let out a derisive laugh as I light a smoke, my eyes never leaving the other side of the room where Echo and Kinsey are talking in the break room. I can’t see her expression from here, but I watch Kinsey’s posture closely for hints.

“She did take down Eternity,” Kill reminds me.

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