Page 68 of Her Last Audition

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“Do you want to know why that family? Why the Iron Elite chose them? Why I agreed?”

I nod slowly.

“They were part of a trafficking ring,” he says as he looks up, watching my face as he speaks. “Human trafficking, that is.”

“But the news said there were kids…”

“Two of them, both were twelve and completely complicit. The only reason we found out is because one of them was recruiting near an Iron Elite business.”

My face pales as I listen, though I don’t know why anything shocks me after what I’ve seen the past few weeks. I shake my head.

“How could anyone…”

“People are fucked up,” he interrupts, anger in his voice. “And when you told me karma doesn’t fucking work, you weren’t wrong.” A slower smile spreads on his face and I feel a tinge of fear. “Sometimes, we have to deliver our own justice.”

The smile drops and he looks at me once more. “I had to make a choice. Do what the Iron Elite wanted me to do, which was something fucking horrible, but to horrible people, and get you out of there in the process. Want to know what would have happened if I hadn’t?”

I don’t answer, but he continues anyway.

“Those people would have died anyway, and I promise you their end wouldn’t have been as nice as the one I gave them. And you? Well…” He trails off, and I swallow, knowing that well enough.

“But the other girls...”

“We can’t save everyone,” he interrupts. “But I’ve learned that sometimes, you have to choose the lesser of evils. I chose to save you, because I could. That was within my power. Saving them…. it isn’t.”

“Kinsey, believe me when I say I don’t wish that shit on anyone, but even if I did try to help them get out, it would just be someone else there to replace them.”

I feel myself deflate slightly with the realization that there really isn’t anything I can do for them. My mind races with ideas, each as stupid and ridiculous as the last.

I don’t realize I’m crying until Atlas reaches out to wipe a tear from my cheek.

“I hate these tears,” he says gruffly, and I feel something small in my chest crack before the flood of tears comes. I don’t think I could halt them if I wanted to. Atlas pulls me up into his lap and cradles me to his chest.

I cry because the world truly is an awful place, and appearances mean nothing.

I cry because of all the people I can’t save.

I cry because I finally understand.

Eventually my tears slow and stop. I’m still in Atlas’ arms and his hand is steadily rubbing my back. I jump slightly when there’s a knock at the door but he keeps his grip around me.

“Come in,” he says. Phil comes in a moment later, giving me a polite nod before looking up at Atlas.

“She’ll be ready soon, get the car prepared,” he tells Phil, who nods and goes right back out. Atlas helps me sit up, looking into my face and wiping the last of the tears away. I’m sure I look a mess, but he smiles at me and I can’t help but give him a small smile back.

“That’s better,” he whispers, and I blush as I untangle myself from his lap.




I don’t knowif my little speech helped, but she seems calmer after crying. I’ve never really dealt with weepy women, but bringing her close to me for comfort was easier than I would have imagined.

“Thank you,” she whispers. “For everything.”

She leans down and plants a gentle kiss on my cheek, and starts to turn then pauses, hesitating before she turns to me once more.

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