Page 69 of Her Last Audition

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“Maybe when this is all done, like, when I’m home and, ummm, we could go…” She trails off and clears her throat, pink rushing to her cheeks. “Never mind, we can talk later. I’ll see you when I get back.”

She steps out the room and I watch from the doorway as she greets Phil.

I can’t helpthe tension that runs through me as I watch her leave. I know Phil will look after her, he’s a good fucking man, but even still, letting her out of my sight, out of the safety of the warehouse, is harder than I anticipated.

“Maybe when this is done, we could…ummm…”

The fucking girl tried to ask me on a goddamn date. She really is too fucking good for this world.

For me.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter as I light a smoke and head back into my office. I’m on my third smoke that my cell rings and Ivor’s name pops up. With a frown, I answer the call.


“Come in right now,” is all he says before hanging up. Pulling the phone from my face, my brow knits together as I look down at it. What the fuck was that?

My immediate reaction is to think, ‘fuck that’, and stay exactly where I am, but the knowledge that Kinsey and Phil will be gone most of the day has me grabbing my things.

The day is warm but overcast when I arrive at the headquarters. I can’t get Kinsey out of my head, the thought of holding her, and don’t notice until I approach the additional guards at the entrance.

“What’s all this?” I ask with a frown as I step up and a man in black gear brings a hand down to the pistol on his belt.

“Identify yourself,” he says sternly, ignoring my question.

“Atlas Bates.”

A few minutes later, I’m walking through the halls, wondering what the hell is happening. There is more movement than I’ve ever seen, more people walking the halls with purpose. What the fuck happened here?

When I get to Ivor’s office, the door is already open and the man himself is shouting into a phone while several others in uniform stand around.

“...don’t fucking care what it takes!” he shouts, whipping the cell across the room when he’s finished. It shatters and he brings a hand up to his temple and I marvel at what could have happened to make a man who has always appeared so calm…not.

Ivor looks up and catches my eye before turning back to Lucas.

“Get me a new phone.”

Lucas nods and walks off, giving me a look on his way past.

“What’s going on?” I ask Ivor, stepping up to the doorway. He glances at me again before he looks to the guards and nods them out of the room, indicating the chair across from his desk for me. My body is on high alert as I close the door behind me and take a seat.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I ask again.

“Something unprecedented has happened. One of our members has… caused some issues,” he begins. “Killed a few of the girls in our brothel, apparently looking foryourwoman.”

I’m out of my seat in an instant.

“What are you talking about?”

Ivor ignores my question, pacing behind his desk. “You’ve taken your vows recently enough to know that a slight like this goes against the entire brotherhood. I know you are a man who has been known to find people.”

He stops pacing, placing his palms on the desk as he looks at me.

“You shall track him down and bring him back to me,” he says, the warning in his eyes clear. “I’m assuming you know who it is you're looking for?”

“Eli,” I reply immediately, and Ivor nods.

“He was always a good initiate, but sometimes, a whore’s wiles can be too much for any man.”

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