Page 85 of Vicious Games

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"Nothingisgoing on!" he pleads, making her wail again.

"Bullshit! I saw it. I watched the whole video!"


Asher's face turns into one of horror while I sit stunned, cupping my cheek.

Zayn steps forward to intervene but Blake puts a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head at him. Typical, assholes. They stand waiting, their gazes flickering between me and Asher. Blake gives me a look that says 'I told you so', while Zayn surprisingly looks concerned, ready to jump in if needed.

"What video, Jen?" asks Asher slowly, the terror and panic breaking through his almost perfect mask.

Jenny aggressively wipes her face, smudging the running mascara further across her face. "From the camera in your room. The one I set up the other day because I just knew you were lying!"

My blood turns to ice as last night replays in my mind. My hand shoots up to my mouth in horror as I look at Asher.

His face drops, shattered as he avoids meeting my gaze.

"Where is it, Jenny?" he says quietly, his voice shaking.

She ignores him, turning to look at me. Her eyes are welling up with fresh tears while her bottom lip quivers. She's struggling to breathe, stuttering as she tries to compose herself. Jenny lifts her perfectly manicured index finger, pointing it towards my chest. Through the tears in her eyes though, there's anger… hate… disgust. Everything I know I deserve and expect. It's hard to believe that once upon a time, we were the best of friends. But, what a shit friend I would be… falling in love with her boyfriend.

Jenny steps forward, shoving me in the chest with her finger. Her voice drips with venom as she chokes back more tears, fighting back the tidal wave of pain that also threatens to spill.

"Mark my words, Rylee Selwood. I'm going to fucking destroy you."

Chapter thirty-two

Jennyturns,givingAshera final glare before stomping out the front door, slamming it behind her. I stay seated on the stairs, stunned and terrified.

"Well," Blake draws out slowly. "Kaboom."

Zayn gives him a playful shove, sending me a sly smile. "You okay, kitty cat?"

I ignore him, looking at Asher. He's frozen, eyes wide as he contemplates everything.

"Asher?" I call out slowly, worried about him.

My voice seems to snap him out of it and he heads towards me, but instead of stopping, he keeps going up the stairs, two at a time. I quickly stand, giving chase as I follow him to his room.

Even though I'm only a few seconds behind, Asher is already destroying the room, ripping things off shelves as he searches for the camera. Zayn and Blake appear in the doorway a few seconds after, watching with different expressions. Blake has an air of authority about him, pleased with himself for foreseeing this, while Zayn watches with a look of hyped up insanity.

"Fuck!" Asher growls, ripping a tiny black box out that was perched between some books. He throws it on the ground, stomping his foot on top of it. It smashes into pieces, but he's not done. A few more books fly across the room, Asher losing control as he curses.

"Hey," I say slowly, approaching him. "We'll figure it out."

He turns, glaring at me. "No, we won't. She's going to tell everyone. The damage this will do will destroy us both." Asher gives Blake a warning look. "Don't fucking say anything, Blake. I'm not in the mood."

I grab Asher's arm, trying to calm him down. "We have each other though. We can do something… maybe if you talk to her."

"Fuck's sake, Rylee. Don't you see? This is bad. I could lose everything."

"But, we'll have each other," I say again, desperate to hear him agree.

Asher pulls his arm back, sending a stabbing pain straight to my heart. "Get out," he glares at the twins over my head.

Zayn puts his hands up, turning and leaving the room. Blake, however, stands his ground, stepping into the room.

"You have no one to blame but yourself, Asher. When will you realize that actions have consequences?"
