Page 32 of The Hunter

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Please don't let her die. Please.

We waited for what felt like forever in ER waiting room, all of us covered in blood. No one could speak or even look at each other as we waited for news. I couldn't do this again.

I don't think I would survive losing Blair too.

Nurses tried to take me to a room to look over my injuries, but I refused. I felt nothing, no physical pain. Only the feeling that I was drowning, waiting for news of Blair.

The image of her pale face, covered in blood was stuck in my mind. How could we have won the war, yet lost the battle?

We kept waiting, watching people come and leave the waiting room. The Spades looked distraught, their own faces a reflection of agony.

They loved her… truly loved her.

I couldn't help but think about all they had lost too. Their people, families… all at the hands of mine. But they weren't my family anymore.

These people were.

And the girl that was fighting for her life somewhere in the hospital

My eyes stayed glued on the doors, waiting for news. Every time the door opened, my heart stopped. Each passing person that had no news was a blow. It was killing me waiting, just as much as it was the other three guys sitting across from me.

Finally, a doctor came out several hours later, blood stained on his scrubs. His face and body drooped in fatigue as he approached us.

We all stood up, holding our breaths as we waited.

Slowly, as if time was almost standing still, a small smile broke out on his face.

"She's alive," he said softly.

I cupped my face in relief, his words playing over and over in my mind.

She's alive. She's alive.

"Can we see her?" asked Parker, his eyes shiny with tears.

The doctor nodded, motioning for us to follow. I stood back, letting the Spades go as I went to sit back down.

"What are you doing?" Xanderson said, looking at me.

I looked up, staring at the three of them as they waited expectantly.


Xanderson tilted his head towards the doors. "You're Blair's family too. Let's go see our girl."

It was over for real.

It was fucking over.

Harmon was dead, his reign of terror over.

My father lay cold somewhere,my ownliving horror over.

All this time I thought I was destined to be stuck in the life he had given me. But turned out, he had given me the best gift of all. He had given me life.

Sending me to Woodlands was the best present he could have ever given me. I made lifelong friends, met a new family and fell in love with the girl of my dreams.

I was going to make the best of this life. If today had taught me anything, it was that life was too short. As soon as Blair was out of the hospital, I was going to take her for the biggest goddamn milkshake at Oreo's. And Benny… I was going to find him and help get him set up. He deserved a chance at happiness too. After everything he had done and risked for me, he deserved that freedom. You couldn't buy that loyalty or brotherhood and I had already told the Spades about his involvement in saving Blair. They were keen to meet him and maybe one day soon, he'd join us in the Spades and get a second chance.

My heart still ached for my lost love. But Quinn would forever be with me, watching over me and Blair, probably shaking her head. But one day, I'd join her.

I just needed to live my new life first. This wasn't the end of my story.

Rising from the ashes I had emerged reborn.

The Hunter was finally dead.
