Page 90 of Mine

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It was easy to see where his sons got their looks from…and their dangerous magnetism. Creed scowled, looking pissed as hell as he placed his bags into the trunk. “Something’s come up.”

“How many times have I heard that?” Nick muttered.

“It’s a quick one. I should be home tomorrow, but in case I’m not,” he continued, glancing my way. “You might want to check on your mom later tonight. She was feeling pretty lousy, so she’s taken something that will help her sleep it off. Just don’t expect her to surface anytime soon, okay?”

I nodded, my pulse spiking as Nick turned his head, directing that hunger my way. A fierce flare of yearning slammed into me like a locomotive as Creed slammed the trunk closed and rounded the car, yanking open the driver’s door before climbing in without another word to his son.

Nick grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the way as Creed started the Mercedes, then backed down the driveway.

“That was…” I started, watching the Mercedes reverse through the open gate, then brake and accelerate away.

“Him,” Nick finished for me. “In his usual stay-out-of-my-way fashion.” His hand still gripped mine, but it shifted, warming, turning from a touch of necessity to one of wanting. “Come on.”

He pulled me toward the front door of the house.It’d be our house in less than a week,our family house. The thought lingered as Nick locked the door behind us. Silence waited, the thud of our steps echoing. The kitchen was clean and back to its usual pristine condition.

There was no cleaner today…and now, no Creed.

“I guess we better look in on your mom.” Nick tightened his grip around my hand and tugged me to the stairs.

I followed, climbing behind him until we stopped at the second floor, outside the bedroom my mom now shared with Creed, her soon-to-be new husband. Nick slipped his hand from mine and motioned his head to the door.

I stepped close, calling softly, “Mom?”

There was no answer, so I cracked open the door, listening. Deep snores came from the darkened room. I opened the door wider and stepped in. Nick followed, coming close behind me.

Through the murky gloom, I caught the outline of her body under the covers. “Mom?” I called again.

Her answer was a snore that resounded through the room. A bottle lay on her nightstand, the cap off…I crossed the space and picked it up.

“She’s out cold,” Nick murmured behind me.

I stepped closer, gripped her shoulder, and have her a shake. “Mom?”

But there was no answer, no fluttering of her eyelids, no indication she heard me at all.

“Come on.” Nick tugged on my hand. “She’s not surfacing anytime soon.”

I let him pull me away, taking a look over my shoulder as I neared the door. She snored as she slept, passed out and hung over. That woman who looked like my mom was a stranger to me. Maybe I was a stranger to her, too…

I stepped through the door, letting Nick close it behind me. He stopped, his gaze capturing mine before he stepped closer, grazed my jaw with his finger, and tilted my head. His kiss was insistent and warm, the faint taste of the juice still lingering in his mouth. I let out a moan before I realized where I was.

Panic filled me, booming in my chest, as I broke free from his mouth and glanced at mom’s bedroom door.

Nick just chuckled. “She’s not waking, Ryth. Those tablets she took? They’re the ones they gave my mom. You won't see her for a solid twelve hours.”

Twelve hours? I looked away.

He smiled, those devilish eyes glinting as he gripped my chin, turning me back to him. “Wonder what we can do to fill the time?”

Oh God…



He leaned down,kissing me with the kind of hunger that was consuming. But there was a difference this time. A change I felt in the brush of the back of his finger along my cheek, and the way he stared into my eyes as he towered above me.

He moved, driving me back against my mom’s door, and cupped my breast. “I’ve been desperate to do this all morning,” he murmured too loud.
