Page 38 of When it Raynes

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Adam and I scream and cry and scream a little more and by the time Dad arrives, Adam is on cloud nine.

“You and your father do great things for those kids.” The mayor smiles.

I barely hold back the urge to ask if we’re doing such great work, why did the city take away all our funding. Barely.

“They deserve to have someone in their corner, and Dad and I love being those people.” I try to keep the contempt out of my voice, but this man angers me. Every year he comes to the gala, talks about the great work we do, and every year we miss out on city funding.

Before he can say anything, the lights start to dim. “Looks like it’s time for speeches and dinner,” someone nearby says.

My stomach flips with a mixture of nerves and hunger. Public speaking has never been my forte, but it’s more mine that dads, which means pretty much every year I draw the short straw. Between the knot in my stomach about Rayne’s departure, and the impending speech, I haven’t been able to eat since lunchtime yesterday.

I look around the ballroom for the Saint James family, but both Rayne and Storm are still missing. Hurt seeps into my veins. I don’t know why I expected anything else. I’m used to men letting me down, why would he be any different?

I make my way up to the stage, slipping the speech I’ve written over and over from my small purse before dropping it on the table beside my name. Dad gives me a small smile as I take the stage and wait on the side for the MC to announce me.

The lights are blinding and between the heat that’s turned up high and the spotlights that feel like the sun, I’m cooking.

“The lovely Emerson Miller organized tonight, and she has a few words to say about this very worthy cause.” The MC turns to me and clapping echoes through the ballroom.

I take his place at the podium, taking a moment to look at the people in the room and get my bearings. Our funding relies on my ability to deliver this speech, and I don’t want to let the kids down.

My eyes lock with familiar black ones and my body relaxes immediately. Rayne stands beside Storm at the back of the ballroom, and I hold his gaze throughout my speech, leaning on him even from afar to get me through.

I don’t know when I’m going to accept it, but Rayne isn’t going to let me down like every other man I’ve known. Every time he’s told me he’s going to do something, he’s done it. That should calm me, but it only makes me more cautious to put my trust in the devil my heart yearns for.

By the time I take a seat beside my dad, the exhaustion is starting to tug at my subconsciousness. The adrenaline from the speech is starting to subside and has left fatigue in its path.

Rayne demanded I go home with him tonight, but all I can think about it curling up in my bed in the shirt he left at my place that smells like him.

“You did great, honey. Not a dry eye in the house.” He nudges me excitedly.

I smile. Every year I try to put as much emotion into my speech as I can, wanting to tug at as many heartstrings as I can, but this year I really nailed it.

A body slips into the seat on the other side of me, but I don’t turn to them until their hand slides up my leg.

“That was some speech, sweet girl.” Rayne’s breath whispers across my cheek, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Thank you,” I say quietly. I’m not sure how to act in front of my father. I’ve had boyfriends before, but I’m not one for public displays of affection, especially in front of my dad.

Dad’s eyes burn into the side of my head, but Rayne isn’t backing away despite my obvious discomfort with the situation. I don’t know why I’m surprised. Rayne is almost as stubborn as I am, he’s never going to be the first to back down.

“That was a wonderful speech, dear,” Beth says from behind me and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I turn in my seat, turning my back on Rayne so I can catch my breath. “Thank you so much. I’m not much of a public speaker, if I’m honest.”

“Nonsense. You’re a natural!” Wynter appears beside Beth with a smile on her face.

They both turn to my father. “I’m Beth.” She sticks her hand out to my dad. “I’m Rayne’s mother, and this is my daughter, Wynter.”

“It’s nice to meet you both.” Dad stands to shake their hands, ever the gentleman. It’s a wonder how I get into such terrible relationships, seeing as my father is such a great man. Loyal. Giving. Loving. Would give anyone the shirt off his own back if they needed it more than him.

Rayne’s lips brush across the place where my shoulder meets my neck, his hands moving to my waist to hold me in place. “I can’t wait to get you home, sweet girl,” he whispers.

Dad is caught in conversation with Beth, but that doesn’t stop my eyes from widening in panic. He can’t touch me like this in public, especially not when my father is so close.

“He’s distracted, Emerson. He won’t see how your nipples are hardening for me right now.”
