Page 39 of When it Raynes

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My breath catches in my throat as I look around. Just because my dad is distracted doesn’t mean everyone else at the table is.

“They’re not paying you any attention right now, sweet girl. They know the price of looking at what belongs to me.” His words should be unsettling, but for some reason, they only make the ache in my core deepen. Rayne brings something out in me that I don’t recognize, and I don’t think it’s a good thing.

“Rayne,” I hiss, trying to turn to face him, but his grip on my waist holds me in place.

“Stay right where you are.”

I freeze in my place, the command in his voice clear.

“Good girl,” he praises. “Your head is always telling you to disobey me, but your body knows I’ll take care of it, that I’ll make you feel better than even your wildest dreams have you believing.” Rayne’s thumbs stroke the bare skin of my back, his touch lighting me on fire. “Is your sweet pussy wet for me?” He trails kisses up my neck as his hands slide into my dress from the back, gripping my waist again. He’s right behind me now, his body blocking the way he’s touching me.

My reply is caught in my throat, an intoxicating cocktail of panic and arousal seeping through my body. I’ve never been touched like his in public, never allowed someone to play my body like their own personal instrument where anyone can see. But as usual, Rayne has me breaking my own rules.

“Answer me,” Rayne growls.

“Yes.” The word slips from my lips on a whisper.

“Are you wearing panties, sweet girl?”

“No.” I shake my head. The dress he chose is unforgiving. When I slid the dress on over the sexy set I picked out, the lines were obvious and I had to make the decision to forgo panties and a bra.

An animalistic groan fills my ears. “You mean to tell me that my woman was just on stage with hundreds of people staring at her, andmypussy was bare?” The menace in his voice should scare me, logically I know that, but for some reason it only has my core heating more and I’m genuinely starting to worry that my wetness is going to seep through my dress.

“Yes,” I whisper. My heart thumps hard in my chest, almost to the point of pain. The way he’s speaking to me sets my entire body on fire, and I relish in the burn.

The snarl that follows doesn’t sound human but before he can say anything else, our families turn toward us, and his hands retreat from inside my dress.

Wynter’s smirk tells me she knows we were getting up to no good while their backs were turned, but Beth and my dad seem oblivious.

“I know there’s a donation box over there, but we wanted to give you this personally.” Wynter hands my father a check. “We want to arrange a regular donation, or a sponsorship if possible. The work you do is incredible, and we would love to support the Center in any way we can.”

Dad’s eyes widen to the point I’m worried they may pop out of their sockets. “This is extremely generous, but I hope you don’t feel it’s expected because Emerson and Rayne have become an item.” He hands the check to me and I choke on the air I’m breathing at the number of zeros that follow the first number.

“Of course not.” Beth shakes her head. “Not many people know this, but before Frost Industries existed, we were very poor, and the boys spent a lot of time at a Center just like the one you run. Rayne told us a bit about the programs you run, and the ones you would like to, and we want to help in any way we can, just as our boys were helped when we needed it, regardless of our children’s relationship status.”

I tear my eyes from the value and look up at Beth and Wynter, hoping the gratitude I feel in my heart shows on my face. All I can think about is the folder on my desk with all the initiatives we’ve wanted to start but couldn’t afford, all the things we want to do to help the kids that see us as a refuge, the staff we could employ so Dad and I had more time to do what we’re passionate about. “This is so incredibly kind,” I say and my voice breaks. “I don’t know what to say. This means so much to us and the kids. Thank you.”

I feel the tears roll down my cheeks before I register I’m crying. We’ve never received such a large donation before, in fact, the check I hold in my hands is almost three times more than we expected to receive tonight. I dab at my eyes, hoping my eye makeup isn’t running down my cheeks.

“I’m sorry. I’m not normally so emotional.” I look at my father who looks equally as grateful as I feel. “I’m just going to pop to the ladies’ room before dinner is served.” I hand the check back to Dad before standing, but Rayne catches my wrist before I can walk away.

“What did I say, sweet girl?” he rumbles.

“I was out of your sight for an entire hour and you weren’t concerned,” I snap, thankful Beth and my father are already wrapped up in conversation. “It’s just the bathroom, Rayne. I’ll be fine.”

“You have no idea how much trouble you’re in when I get you home.” Something dark crosses his face and sends a shiver of need through my body.

“Promises, promises.” I shrug and tug out of his hold before crossing the ballroom.

Rayne’s eyes burn a hole in my back as I go, but he’s not following me. I can’t think when he’s near, not rationally at least, and a breather will do me some good.

I smile politely as I pass tables of people, only stopping for a moment to thank them when they congratulate me on my speech.

By the time I reach the hallway, I’ve managed to push my emotions back into the neat little box I usually keep them in. The money the Saint James family have just donated is a dream come true. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine anyone would be so generous, but fuck, it means everything to me.

I slip into the bathroom and thank any god that will listen that it’s empty as I quickly move to the mirror to fix my makeup. Thankfully I had the foresight to use my waterproof mascara tonight and my tears didn’t do much damage.

Rayne’s words swirl around my head as I swipe the small black smudges under my eyes away and pull my powder from my clutch to cover the evidence. I shouldn’t bait him like I do. He’s dangerous, one look at him and I knew that, and yet at every turn, I feel the need to push him, but the promise of punishment has wetness pooling between my legs.
