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Breck shook his head. “Gonna have to pass. Got plans already.”

Jegs grunted. “What kind of plans?”

“Lunch with Mitchel.”

Charlie grinned. “Your wrestling buddy.”

“For real?” Reggie lifted a brow. “Wrestling? He any good?”

Breck shrugged. “Team captain in high school, but he doesn’t play for sport anymore.” Preyed on unsuspecting fools like Breck instead. Tackling and pinning his ass damn near weekly to keep his skills nice and sharp.

Not that Breck would be sharingthatinformation with these punks. Besides, he suspected Scott was taking even more of the brunt these days than him. Which, in a roundabout way, had to do with why Breck had asked Tad if he wanted to grab lunch. He’d hoped to pick his brain about… stuff.

Jegs grinned. “Team captain. Nice. A worthy adversary. You two ever go at it?”

“Nope,” Breck lied, smiling. “Not once.”

“Bah. What a waste.” Jegs started walking.

Reggie shook his head in disappointment and followed suit.

Charlie, however, lingered, blue eyes glinting as he cut Breck a nod. “You could totally take him.”

Breck chuckled. “Oh, definitely. One hundred percent.” If only Charlie knew the real reason for his laugh. Tad had cleaned the floor with his ass on more occasions than he could count.

One of these days,he vowed for the umpteenth time.

Charlie grinned with an approving fist bump, then turned and headed after Reggie and Jegs.

Breck sighed and glanced at his phone. Eleven thirty. Tad was expecting him at noon.

He thought about when he’d texted him. At first, Tad had seemed surprised by his suggestion to grab a bite. Which Breck supposed made sense. That was the kind of thing he did with Ned. They were closer, after all, like Tad was with Jay.

But that didn’t mean Breck liked Tad any less. Tad was awesome. A quality guy. And Breck genuinely enjoyed his company. Compared to Ned and Jay, Tad was a well-grounded dude. Something Breck appreciated when they all hung out. Without Tad’s equalizing presence to counter their jackass-ery, those two jack nuts could drive the sanest man bat-shit crazy.

Today, Breck required his assistance in a different way, though. In the form of knowledge… along with some advice. Kai’s invitation was for tonight, after all, and Breck still had no idea what to do.

He needed more information. He’d searched for The District online, but hadn’t found anything. Meaning it must be top-secret, only known to those who had connections. Like some clandestine community, completely off the grid. And since Tad was dating Scott, who was friends withtwodoms, it stood to reason that he might know some stuff. Even just a little would be more than Breck knew about this elusive place.

Besides, he needed to talk to Tad about other things, too. Things of which Ned would have zero comprehension. A subject that, truth be told, made Breck antsier than hell.

Exhaling, he rose to his feet, then turned around and traipsed his ass back inside. If he wanted to pick Tad up on time, he needed to get ready to go.

* * *

“Harland. What’s poppin’?” Tad slid into Breck’s passenger seat.

Breck nodded, glancing over a get-up he didn’t typically see Tad wear. Khakis and a classic cream button down. Sleeves partially rolled up. He cleaned up nice. But then, Tad was as good looking as they came. Sandy brown bangs over hazel eyes and the friendliest smile.

Good vibes. Tadalwaysthrew good vibes.

One of his very best traits, in Breck’s opinion.

“Same ole, same ole. How you doing, Mitchel?”

“Hungry.” Tad chuckled and shut the door. “Whatchu in the mood for?” He checked the time. “I got fifty-four minutes.”

“I’m driving. You decide.”
