Page 44 of Neighbor Nik

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“Fuck, I needed that.” He kissed my cheek. “Look at me.” He leaned to the side to see my face. “I love you.”

I sighed, smiling. “I love you too.”

“So I’ve been thinking…”

“First, are you going to let me up?”

“No. Just listen to me.” Honestly, you’d think by now I’d know his tricks. If he pinned me down and he said,So I’ve been thinking, it usually meant I would disagree. Nik loved having the upper hand but not in a caveman sort of way. My feelings mattered to him more than his own. Lucky for him, I happened to be easygoing about most things.

“I’m listening.”

“When I’m home from work, I want you naked at all times.”


“Shh!” He slapped my ass, making me squeak. “You’re supposed to be listening.”

I clenched around his semi-boner. He’d be hard again in no time for round two, which would be in our bed.

“You’re lucky I like it when you spank me.”

He caressed my bottom. “It’s that mouth of yours that gets me going.” He kissed me, our tongues curling together. I was so ready for round two, but he pulled back. “So, naked. It just makes sense. We won’t have to fumble with clothes. Think about how freeing it will be.”

I laughed. This man was something else. “You really are a bad boy. But what if someone comes to the door?”

“Easy. We don’t answer it.” He pulled out and turned me around. Our bodies slammed together and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he carried me to the bedroom. “What do you say?”

“I honestly don’t know.”

“We won’t have a lot of time to live this way. When we have a kid, there goes our freedom to fuck anytime we want. We really should take advantage of this opportunity before it vanishes.”

He had a point. We’d talked about starting a family in a couple of years. I bet the time would fly by.

We dropped onto the bed together. Nik’s body pressed mine into the mattress as he wedged between my legs.

“Well, I’m waiting for an answer.” He took my left hand and gazed at the ring, then kissed it. He did that a lot. He’d then entwine his fingers with mine, like now, and raise both hands above my head and kiss me breathless.

“Okay… I’ll give being naked at all times whenever you’re home a try.”

“I’ll make sure you don’t regret it.” He kissed his way down my neck. “You’ll see. You’re going to love all the attention I give you.”

“As if you don’t already spoil me.”

“Rita, it’s not spoiling, baby. It’s showering you with love.”

The End
