Page 16 of Lifeguard Leo

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“Mmm, so fucking tasty, Red.” He glided his tongue between my folds and over my slit. “You smell amazing too.” He flicked my clit with his finger.

The pressure inside me grew astronomically. I found myself curling my toes and tugging on my hair. “I… I feel like I’m losing my mind. Please, do something.” No sooner did the words leave my lips that I felt his finger enter me. I clenched and jerked. “Leo,” I panted with my eyes shut, feeling another finger slip inside, making me feel fuller. His tongue rubbed my clit, then I felt teeth and exploded. I moaned his name while my whole body shook.

“That’s it, Red. Come all over my fingers. Damn, you’re gorgeous when you come.”

My lips were numb, and my body hummed. I wasn’t sure what had happened or why it wasn’t enough to make this pressure in my core go away.

“You’re spectacular, Red.” Leo removed his fingers and put them into his mouth. “Mmm… Delicious.”

My clit throbbed as I watched him delight in the taste of me. When he was finished, he grabbed a condom and ripped the package open.

The thought of his dick covered in latex as it entered me cooled my jets. This wasn’t how I imagined my first time. “Wait.”

“Something wrong?”

I dropped my gaze to his cock. “I hadn’t thought about a condom.” I shivered as I thought of being in a doctor’s office for a pap smear. The latex glove my gynecologist put on wasn’t any different than a condom. Yuck. “But then, you’ve been with a lot of women.”

“I always wear a condom. I believe in safe sex.”

I bobbed my head. “That’s good.” I bit my lip. “I do too.”

“You don’t want me to wear one, do you?”

“I don’t know what I want. It’s my first time, ya know? I always imagined it would be on my wedding night, without a barrier between my husband and me.”

“Shit, Red. Admittedly, you’re the first virgin I’ve been with, so I never really thought about what it would be like for the woman.”

“Oh… great.” I tried to curl into a ball, but he didn’t let me.

“Don’t shut down on me now.” He climbed on me, wedging himself between my legs. “I’ll do whatever you want, condom or no condom. Are you on the pill?”

“Birth control?”


I shook my head, grimacing. “We should stop.”

“No dice, baby. I’m hard as fuck. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

I frowned in disbelief. “Really?”

“Fuck, yes. Really. I don’t know what it is about you, but we are doing this. I’ll pull out before my release hits.”

“Don’t forget it’s just this once. After, you need to leave.”

“Shh, stop talking. You’re ruining the moment.” He winked and kissed me. Our tongues played and tangoed. The more he revved me up, the wetter I felt down there.

Leo’s warmth encircled me. His muscular chest pressed to mine, and I lifted my hips to his. I was so turned on by this man, lost in his kisses, I didn’t realize what was happening.

Suddenly he entered me partially, pulled out, and was back in faster than lightning. That was what it felt like between my legs, an electric crackling—a bolt of fire.

I yelped into his mouth, which never left mine. I dug my nails into his biceps, pricking his tan skin. Leo kissed me harder but didn’t move inside me. The initial pain seemed to subside as we frantically made out.

“Did I hurt you?” His tongue swiped over my bottom lip.

“Yeah, a little there at the end. Did you just…”

“Pop your cherry?” He waggled his eyebrows. He was such a dork.
