Page 44 of Lifeguard Leo

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“I want you to know you have options, Red. You don’t have to work here. I heard some dangerous shit goes on here. I’m worried about you.”

“Is that it?”

“No. I don’t like the outfit you’re wearing either, but I’m more concerned about your well-being.” I could get past her clothes. Maybe. But I would never risk her life if what Dave said was true. “Do you really like this job?”

She looked over her shoulder at her boss and the bouncer. “It pays the bills. You know I love being a dance teacher.”

I dropped my lips to hers and kissed her softly. “Red, let me help you.”

“I’ll cut my days back after we find a new roommate. I will. Promise. But I can’t let you pay for my living expenses. We’ve talked about this.”

“Jesus Christ, Red. It’s only money. I care about you, sweetheart.”I love youwas what I should’ve said, but I was afraid of scaring her off. She seemed to worry about us going too fast. I wasn’t worried about it at all. I loved her and believed she loved me.

“And I appreciate it more than you know. I do. But it’s too soon.” There it was.It’s too soon.“I can’t believe you came here.” She looked back at her boss again, clearly worried she might get in trouble. Dammit, I didn’t like this.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Red. I really don’t like you working here.” Truth and honesty were the foundation of our relationship… and trust. I would be straight with Red so she would know how I felt even if she didn’t like hearing it.

“And I won’t lie to you either. I don’t like working here, but the money keeps me here.” She shrugged. “Do you want to come in and have a drink?” Her small hand wrapped around my wrist and stroked it with her thumb. Her touch always calmed me.

I pulled Red into me and wrapped my arms around her, then reached my hand under her skirt, feeling around.

“Hey!” She looked up at me, eyes wide.

“Just making sure you’re wearing panties.”

She rolled her eyes. “I am.”

“I feel them.” I kissed her. “I want to come in and stay until your shift is over, then I’ll follow you back to my place.”

“You don’t ask for much, do you?”

“You know me, Red. I can be bossy.”

“Bad boys usually are. I know what I’ve signed up for with you. Thank you for not throwing me over your shoulder and carrying me away. That would have been humiliating, and I would’ve been furious.”

“I had thought of doing that, you know?”

“I could tell by the blue fire in your eyes when I saw you.” She kissed me. “Come, I need to get back inside.” She took my hand and tugged me along to where her boss and the bouncer were. “I’m going to put him in my section.”

“Leo Ashford, by the way.” I put my hand out toward Donovan.

“Ashford?” He seemed to consider me as we shook.

“Of Ashford Mercedes.”

Donovan’s brows shot up. “Oh. Well, come on in, Mr. Ashford.”

“Call me Leo. My father is Mr. Ashford. And no offense, but your club really isn’t my scene. But with Scarlett working here, I might become a regular.”

“Stop it. You don’t have anything to worry about.” She curled into my arms.

“She’s right. She’s had us toss out more men for inappropriate shit than any of the other women who work here. Scarlett doesn’t take crap from anyone.”

I kissed the top of her head. “That’s my girl. But I still might hang out here.” I gave her a pointed look so she wouldn’t argue. She didn’t.

Red got me settled at a small corner booth in her section where I could keep my eyes on her at all times. I didn’t feel comfortable here at all. The loud music, bright lights, and people grinding on the dance floor didn’t appeal to me. This kind of scene stressed me out. Like, how could anybody come here to have a good time?

But I’d stay until Red’s shift was over. I’d sit here every night she worked if she’d let me, just to be sure she was safe. I knew she wouldn’t like it, though she probably wouldn’t complain about it.
