Page 48 of Lifeguard Leo

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A nervous laugh bubbled out of her. “How can you be so confident I’m pregnant? I could have the flu.”

“I just know. Call it father’s instinct.”

She giggled again. “You’re adorable.”

“Why are you in denial, Red? Do you regret having unprotected sex?”

“Maybe a little. I want you to choose me because you can’t live without me. Not because a baby is involved. But I’d never regret having a baby with you. I just wished it happened a little differently is all.”

“Enough of this.” I climbed off the bed with her in my arms, then stopped at the threshold of the bathroom.

“What is?”

I turned around, set her on the bed, and got on my knees in front of her. I took Red’s beautiful face gently into my hands. “I love you, Red. I want you to know it before we see the results of the test. Baby or no baby, I love you. Nothing and no one will change that.”

“You love me? Like, really love me?” Her mesmerizing eyes shimmered with unshed happy tears.

I laughed and kissed her. “Yes, I really, like, really love you.”

“I love you too.”

“I know you do, Red.” I slipped my tongue into her mouth and kissed her until we got our fill of each other. The results of the test were only a formality. I knew my baby was inside her, and the more I let it sink in, the happier and more excited I became.



Seven weeks later…

I CHECKED ALL the food on the dining table, making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. At any moment, our guests would be arriving, and I was more than a little nervous. I put my hand to my stomach, inhaled a deep breath, and smiled.

“Everything looks perfect, Red. Relax. It’s going to be a great day.” His arms wrapped around me from behind and his lips went to my neck like always.

My gaze settled on the enlarged ultrasound picture of our baby in the center of the table. I had cried when I saw our baby for the first time. Everything has moved at lightning speed since we got a positive pregnancy test.

When Leo had his mind made up about something, he didn’t waste time. His first order of business was me quitting Club R. Like that was any surprise. Next, he moved me out of the townhouse and into his place. Again, no surprise.

Laney had taken the news better than I had expected and was actually relieved and happy for Leo and me. She moved back into her parents’ home to save money. She had decided to go back to college to get her masters.

“Do you really think today will be great? What if our parents don’t get along?”

“Then they don’t get along. We’re not going to let them affect us.” He placed his hand flat against my stomach. “Our only concern is being the best parents any little kid could ever ask for.”

I smiled. Leo was going to be an awesome dad. “I love you,” I said, gazing up at my handsome man.

“Love you too, Red.” He kissed me just as the doorbell rang.

“Oh gosh. This is it.”

“It’s going to be fine.” He winked on his way to answer the door.

I honestly didn’t know how he could be so calm. Getting our families and friends together had been easier than I expected. Everyone we invited was apparently free. So this little get-together was going to be bigger than I’d hoped for.

My parents flew the whole family out just to meet Leo and his parents. Leo’s parents were attending with their significant others. Laney and her parents were coming, along with Leo’s friends, Chris, Seth, and Dave and April.

I inhaled a deep breath again and was relieved to see Laney heading my way.

She hugged me. “Try to relax, little mama. Leo said you were freaking out and I should calm you down. You know stress isn’t good for the baby.”
