Page 11 of Effing Eli

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I DIDN’T EXPECT a reply to my text last night from Autumn. She wasn’t going to make anything easy for me. It made me fucking proud. No woman should be a doormat or manipulated. I wanted my woman to be strong, independent, and hold me accountable for my actions. Autumn was my dream girl in spades.

But nobody was perfect. I was far from it.

I could be a royal asshole when caught up at work. Sometimes I had my eye on the prize and lost sight of everything else around me because I was so determined to be the best at my job.

That was what happened at the end with Autumn and me. I lost sight of what was important. Her. Us. Our marriage. Our future.

When she asked me to move out, I couldn’t stand to see her upset. I could tell she’d been sobbing, and I felt like shit. Rather than hurt her more, because I knew I’d fucked up, I’d packed a bag and went to a hotel. And like a pussy, I had shed a few tears.

Days had turned into weeks, then she asked for a divorce. We’d argued. I’d said some horrible things out of desperation to keep my wife. Naturally, I’d only made matters worse. Months later, I’d given her what she wanted, and it broke my fucking heart.

But I knew I’d get her back one day. It had taken me three years to get to a place where I could give her her heart’s desire. Three long, agonizing years to prepare so I’d be all in for her.

I checked the time on my Rolex: 7:55 a.m.

Autumn would arrive any second. She was never late for anything work-related. Breakfast in my office would be no exception to her stringent work ethic. I was her boss. She would do what I said, no matter how much she hated it.

The dark Sumatra coffee I bought on my way into the office smelled delicious. It was all we used to drink when we were married. After the divorce, I stopped buying it with the intent that the first time I drank it again, it would be with my Boo. Today was the day.

I stopped eating, drinking, and doing a lot of the things Autumn and I did together. So much of my everyday life had been wrapped up in her. God, we’d been inseparable since we met in college. When Autumn wasn’t around, it was like a piece of me had died. The void in my life had been vast.

Fuck, I’d turned into a sentimental pussy.

Now living in the same city and working in the same building as her, I felt a bit closer. But it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough until I had Autumn back in my life in every way.

A soft knock made the muscles in my neck tense and my heart hammer. Speaking of my girl… “Come in.”

The door opened. My mouth went dry, seeing her in a fitted navy-blue dress. Her shoulders were squared, but I could tell she was nervous. “Mr. Morgan. I feel you should know texting me to be in your office this morning is wholly inappropriate.”

Of course she felt that way. But she was here anyway, right? My spitfire was curious and maybe had missed me just as much as I’d missed her for the last few years.

“Have a seat, Ms. Lucas.” I hated saying her maiden name. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. She was Mrs. Eli Morgan, and no goddamn divorce would ever change that. It was why I remained faithful to her. She was the love of my life. I didn’t so much as consider dating, even though I knew she had. “And close the door.”

“Honestly.” She rolled her eyes. “I know what you’re doing. It’s not going to work.” She pushed the door shut with her hip and huffed, sitting down in the chair across from me.

It took everything in me to not leap out of my seat and gather her into my arms. If I did, I would kiss the fuck out of her. Maybe bend her over the desk and take her from behind. Slap her ass for divorcing me. Or get down on my knees and worship her pussy with my tongue. Yeah, I’d much rather eat her sweet pussy than the jelly-filled donuts I’d bought.

“Well, good morning to you too, Boo.”

“See? Right there.” She pointed at me, crossing her leg over her knee. I wished I had a better view from where I sat. “Calling me Boo is unprofessional. I could report you to HR for harassment.”

I hiked an eyebrow. “I suppose you could. I would support you if you felt it was necessary.”

She laughed in a mocking tone. “Oh. Oh, you are so infuriating. Don’t you dare try to make light of the situation or act like you actually care about me.”

I fisted my hands and exhaled a frustrated breath. I needed to keep my cool with Autumn. Make her come to me, rather than me crawl on my knees and beg her to take me back. I still had my dignity, even if I would do just about anything to get her back. But groveling? No fucking way would I do that.

“Coffee?” I put a cup in front of her.

She furrowed her delicate brow. I could tell she was sniffing the air. The creases in her forehead disappeared.

I’d just scored points.

“Thanks.” She lifted the cup and sipped, her gaze locked on me. Her whiskey depths softened as if she was remembering our mornings together, drinking coffee. The sight made my chest tight.

I raised the lid of the pink pastry box. “Donut?”

“Mr. Morgan, this isn’t a social call. We’re at work. We are to conduct ourselves professionally. You of all people know how this works.”
