Page 12 of Effing Eli

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Goddamn, she turned me on when she was in business mode. “We need to eat, Boo.” Yeah, I wasn’t about to call her anything else when we were alone. She pursed her lips together. “Don’t they let us eat around here?”

“Why am I really here, Mr. Morgan?” Each time she called me Mr. Morgan was a dagger to my heart.

“To discuss the staff and their projects. Along with the party Saturday evening and the business trip we’re going on.”

Her eyes went wide. “We?”

“We, Boo. I didn’t stutter.”

She shook her head. “Stop it.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop trying to flirt, charm me, and outright win me over.”

“If I don’t do those things, how will you know I still love you?”

Her eyes turned glossy. Dammit. I didn’t want to upset her.

“Please, Eli.” Jesus, my name on her lips still made me weak with need. “Can we stick to the reason we’re both here? For work? We’ve never liked it when other people brought their personal issues into the office. That mindset hasn’t changed for me.”

Well, she got me there. Fuck.

“Fine. We’ll keep it professional.” As much as it would kill me, I was confident being in my presence weakened her too. I lifted the box of donuts toward her. “There’s a bear claw in there.”

She fought a smile. “Thanks. They’re still my fave.”

“I know they are,Ms. Lucas.”

Her eyes flashed to mine. Just as I suspected. She didn’t like being called by her maiden name. Autumn could fight it all she wanted, but we were meant to be together. I had royally fucked up, putting my career before her and refusing to have a baby. I wasn’t proud of my actions. Still, I owned my mistakes and would make up for my wrongs.

There was nothing I wanted more in this world than to have my wife back. I ached to have her in my arms and in my bed. A life without my Boo was no life at all.

“Promise me something.”

Here it comes. “What, Boo?”

“Promise me you won’t try to seduce me. We’re better off the way things are.”

“Do you really believe that? Because I haven’t been the same without you.”

“Really?” She cocked her head, tossing her attitude right in my face. “Because in three freaking years, I haven’t heard a single peep from you.” She was out of her chair, gripping her stomach. Jesus, the pain in her eyes gutted me. “You let me walk out of your lawyer’s office so easily, I was sure you were glad to get rid of me.”

What the fuck? I stood. “No. I gave you what you wanted. I asked you to not go through with it. But you ended our marriage anyway.”

Her lip trembled. “If you really believe I wanted the divorce, you never knew me at all. You didn’t choose me, Eli. So why in the hell should I choose you all over again? We’re done here,boss. You don’t like it, you can fire me.” She stormed out of the office.

I stood there like a stupid motherfucker.

She never wanted the divorce? She wanted me to fight for her?

I dropped into my chair, utterly stunned and sick to my stomach. Had I been so caught up in my career, I had missed her clues? Jesus, I was a bigger asshole than I thought. All this time, she’d wanted me to pursue her. Dammit. If I didn’t feel like a royal fuckup before, I sure as hell did now.

Later that afternoon, I was in Will’s office. I’d stopped by because I had no one to talk to. Sure, I was breaking my own rules about bringing my personal life to work. I honestly didn’t care anymore. Somehow I needed to make things right with Autumn and get her back.

I’d just finished filling him in on what happened this morning. He listened with a contemplative expression. “Can’t say I envy your situation, man.” He shook his head.

“Thanks for your honesty. What would you do in my shoes?”
