Page 68 of Breach of Honor

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Next thing I knew, I was tugged out of my chair, pressed against Will, and dancing. He swept me off my feet at the same time my dad did the same to my mom. From that moment on, we danced until the wee hours of the morning.

Deep emotions had been lodged in my throat since then. It meant the world to me that my dad and Will liked each other…the world.

Now, as I stared out the kitchen window while they drank their morning coffee together on the patio, I didn’t want to leave Arizona. I didn’t want to go back to the hustle and bustle of our busy L.A. lives.

“What are you looking at, sweetie?” My mom approached with a mug in hand. “Ah, the men.” She nudged my shoulder softly. “We both love him.”

I whipped my head toward her, tears stinging behind my eyes and my throat tightening as I searched for the affirming twinkle in her crystal-blue eyes. It was there. A stray tear slid down my cheek.

“Aww, what is it?” She swiped the drop from my face.

I swallowed, taking a deep breath. “It’s just… I’ve never been happier.”

Mom took me into her arms. “And I’m so happy for you. Will is a good man. We can see how much he cares about you. You know Dad is an expert on a person’s character; he’s never been wrong about anyone in the thirty-two years I’ve known him. And last night in bed, he told me, ‘Will is the one, darlin’.’”

I squeezed her tighter, nodding my head—no doubts or hesitation. I knew in the depth of my soul Will was the one too. “Thank you, Mom, for everything this weekend. We had a wonderful time… and I’m sad we have to leave in a few hours.”

She stroked the back of my hair like when I was a little girl. “Just don’t stay away too long, okay?”

“We won’t, and you and Dad can visit us too, you know?” I pulled back just as the patio door opened and Will walked in, concern marring his handsome face.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Mom patted my shoulder. “Morning, Will.”

“Morning, Mel.” Will’s gaze didn’t leave me as my mom went out onto the patio with my dad. He put the mug on the counter. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“You happened.” I popped up on my tiptoes, my arms hooking around the back of his neck, and kissed him there in my parents’ kitchen. “I love you,” I whispered, brushing my lips across his. “To the moon and back…” I never imagined I’d say those words to a man. I only intended to tell them to my child as my mom had to me, but I meant every word.

Will was the one, and with my parents’ approval, I could move forward and dream about our future together.

I wanted to marry Will.

And I would love him all the days of my life.
