Page 27 of Hustler's Hope

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He figured out the timeline lightning fast. Now, what should I do?

Deny, deny, deny.

“Hope, did you hear me?”



I held my breath waiting for her reply. Her eyes were vacant as she stared ahead, maybe trying to remember who else she’d been with, or she could be ignoring me.

Hope was the female version of me, a commitment-phobe who enjoyed sex—wild sex, no-strings sex.

We were perfect for each other, except how would we work if neither wanted to be in a relationship?

No, only one of us fought the pull. I always knew the right girl would be my everything. I was all in with Hope, ready to claim her in the club.

“Hope, did you hear me?” I asked again.

“I’d like some water,” she said, turning toward Mercy.

“Sure. Coming right up.”

It probably wasn’t the right time to question her about her sex life in front of others. I couldn’t stop myself, too anxious to know if the baby was mine.

I wanted it to be mine, even though the very thought of becoming a father scared the hell out of me.

“Let’s not do this here.” The pleading in her languid eyes tempered my persistence. I didn’t want to get bossy with her. It wouldn’t be the best way to start our relationship.

Yup, relationship. I was more determined than before to make Hope mine, mine in every way.

“Okay, baby.” I kissed the top of her hand, doing my best to be soft with her and understanding. She’d been through a lot tonight. I’d give her a little space, but not much. If she carried my baby in her belly, she’d never get rid of me.

“Why?” She raised her gaze to mine. Her green depths shimmered with unshed tears.

“Why what?”

“Why are you here?” A tear streaked down her cheek. I swiped it away with my thumb. “At the hospital, I mean.”

“Stitch told me he heard a nurse talking about me. The way he described her sounded a lot like my Nurse Naughty. Had to check it out. I’m glad I did.” I continued to caress her cheek, not caring that the technician was in the room.


“Doctor Hayes’s road name is Stitch in the club.” My chest tightened, staring into her eyes. Her docile attitude made me want to protect her with my life. The fucker who hurt her would pay. I’d see to it.


“Here you go, hon.” Mercy gave her a cup of water. “Let’s go get that CT scan.”

“Yeah, I want to make sure you’re okay.” I gently raised her chin to get her attention. “I’m not leaving you.”

“Okay.” Another tear rolled down her face.

After Hope’s tests, Mercy took her to a private room. It was approaching one in the morning. They’d keep her for several hours for observation. If all went well, she could go home. I’d be the one to take her. Told her as much before I stepped out.

Thankfully, Hope’s tests came back good. She should make a full recovery, and the baby appeared fine too.

I didn’t want to leave Hope’s side, but she needed rest. And I needed to find out what Easton learned about the druggy who hurt my woman. I’d given him the job of snooping around.

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