Page 19 of Red Wine and Roses

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Cole smiled through pursed lips. “Both.”

“How long would it take us to drive?”

“About four hours.”

“Ah, too long.”

“Yep. I either figure out a way to fly the plane out of here, or I have to admit that I fucked up and tell Laura.”

“You didn’t fuck up! It’s hardly your fault.”

“My plane, my maintenance schedule, my fuck-up.”

“Or just one of those things?” Cameron smiled. He didn’t want Cole getting down on himself today—it was his wedding day, supposed to be the happiest day of his life.

Cole chuckled. “Maybe. I’m going back to the front desk to see if they’ve heard from the mechanic on call yet.”

“Okay, but if they haven’t, maybe it’s time to ask Piper to come get us.” Cameron smiled. “I have a feeling Laura won’t mind.”

“So do I; I just don’t want to start our married life with her gloating that I couldn’t even get myself to the chapel. Do you think she’d ever let me live it down?”

“Probably not,” said Cameron with a grin.

Cole went back to the front desk, and Cameron could tell by the way they were talking that there was no good news. Cole came back and held up his hands. “Time to admit defeat, I guess.”

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed. Cameron wondered how Piper would react to having to fly back here to get them. There were only a couple of hours left before the wedding and Piper should be getting ready herself. He watched his brother’s face as he talked.

“Nope. I hate doing this, but I’m going to have to ask you to come get me. Where’s Laura? … Okay. I’ll call her. I’m not going to leave you to explain it to her.”

Cameron smiled to himself at that.

“Yeah. We’re going to be cutting it fine.”

Cole smiled. “No, I’m fine, thanks. Cameron made sure he brought everything we could need, just in case of an emergency, but I guess you’re going to have to fly in your bridesmaid’s dress … Thanks, Piper.” Smoke hung up and gave Cameron a rueful smile. “This is going to look great, isn’t it? We’re going to have to get changed now and go straight to the chapel when we land.”

Cameron laughed. “I know it’s not ideal, but I love it!”

Cole laughed with him. “See how much you love it when we’re standing here dressed up to the nines and a little blonde bridesmaid comes flying in to our rescue.”

“I already like that idea.”

Smoke shook his head. “I don’t get you with Piper. You blow hot and cold.”

Cameron shook his head. “No. I’m blowing hot the whole time. I’m just blowing so damned hot, I’m scared—I don’t want to burn her.” The words surprised him; he hadn’t known they were true until he said them.

“I don’t think you want to freeze her out, either, and it looks like that’s what you’re going to end up doing.”

Cameron shrugged. It was true. Last night would have been the perfect time for Piper and him to get to know each other better. They’d had every opportunity at the club. They’d talked; they’d danced, but for some reason, he’d still held back—and she had, too. “It’s probably better that way. Anyway, stop worrying about Piper and me. Call Laura, and then we’d better get changed and wait for our bridesmaid in a pretty dress to come rescue us.”

Cole chuckled and walked away to call Laura.

~ ~ ~

Piper smiled to herself as the wheels touched down on the runway at McCarran.

Laura looked across at her and smiled back. “Is this crazy or what?”

Piper laughed. “Totally. If someone had told me when I first came to visit you that we’d be flying around on your wedding day—in our dresses, no less—there’s no way I would have believed them.” She taxied the plane off the runway and followed the controller’s instructions until she reached the general aviation building. She brought the plane to a halt on the line and went through the checklist to shut the engines down.
