Page 20 of Red Wine and Roses

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Laura grinned at her. “This is it.”

“Yep. Let’s go find that man of yours and get you both to the chapel.” She let herself out into the cabin and let the steps down. She could just imagine how this must look to anyone watching. She was all done up in her bridesmaid’s dress, and Laura was in full-on bride mode—dress on, makeup and hair done, everything! She looked at the FBO building wondering if Smoke and Cameron would be waiting outside. She didn’t see them, but she did see movement inside. She stepped aside to let Laura go down the steps ahead of her. Smoke would no doubt be watching out for them, and she’d love to see his face when he spotted his bride exiting the plane.

A golf cart was waiting on the tarmac to take them inside. Piper smiled at the driver who was obviously curious what their story might be but was too well trained to ask. Smoke and Cameron were waiting just inside the doors from the ramp when they got inside.

Smoke went straight to Laura and closed his hands around her waist.

Piper looked away as they kissed. Cameron came toward her will a smile. “Thanks for coming to get us. You’re the hero; you saved the day.”

Piper nodded. She could not figure the guy out. Anytime they had a chance to get together, he backed right off. The rest of the time he was so sweet—and seemed so interested. “I hear you helped out, too. I was worried I’d need to find Smoke’s clothes and everything and bring them to you, but you’d brought everything you might need, just in case.”

“Yeah. I like to be prepared. I didn’t think we’d need anything; in fact, he laughed at me when I insisted on packing our suits and the rings and everything, but I’m glad I did.”

“You’re not the only one. Can you imagine if we had to get back to the lakeandtake you both home to get changed? There’s no way we could do it all and still get to the church on time.”

They both grinned as a round of applause broke out. Smoke lifted his head from the kiss finally, and he and Laura both smiled around at their well-wishers. “Thanks, everyone, I got the girl; now we just have to get to the chapel on time.”

Piper rolled her eyes at Cameron. “Glad he finally remembered!”

Cameron chuckled.

When they were all in Papa Charlie, Smoke smiled at Piper. “Thanks, Piper, you’re the best. I think you know you’re not flying us back though, right?”

Piper laughed. “I suspected as much.” She looked at Laura. “I don’t think I’m taking the right seat either, am I?”

Laura shook her head. “No. That’s my seat for this flight.”

And that was as it should be. Piper was glad she’d been able to get the plane here for them, but now it was up to Smoke to get his bride to the church on time. She didn’t have a problem sitting back here in the cabin. She just hoped that Cameron would be his fun, friendly, attentive self. If he was going to be the sexy, flirty version, then she might not be able to stop herself. She’d kept trying to distract herself, but the man was gorgeous, and in that tux, he was doing weird things to her insides.

~ ~ ~

Cole raised an eyebrow at Cameron. He was asking if he minded sitting back here with Piper for the flight back to the lake. Mind? He nodded. Of course, it was fine. It was more than fine. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her since she’d opened the door and let the steps down when she landed the plane. He’d always thought it was cool that she was a pilot. But seeing her fly in to the rescue did something weird to him. If he thought about it too hard, he might have to admit that in his mind, when someone flew in to save the day, it was a guy, rescuing his woman. It turned him on no end that Piper, beautiful, petite Piper was the hero in this scenario.

He made a conscious effort to pull himself together. Piper had already taken a seat in one of the big club chairs and was fastening her seat belt. He eyed the two seats opposite her, but instead, took the one next to her. She looked so good, and she smelled so good, he realized as he sat down. He just wanted to be close to her.

Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. They weren’t wide with surprise, though. He understood as he breathed in the scent of her that what he saw in her eyes was desire. Why the hell had he kept holding back? They could have spent last night together. They could have spent the last two weekends together. What was his problem? He didn’t know, and he didn’t care anymore. Whatever it had been, he was over it. Tonight, at the wedding reception, he was going to dance with her; he was going to hold her against him, and afterward, he was going to take her back to her room—or his—it didn’t matter. He was going to peel that dress off her and explore the body underneath it. That body had been taunting him for weeks now. He was ready to surrender, and he could tell she was, too.

The airplane thundered down the runway, and soon they were up in the sky above Vegas. The plane banked to the right, and they were on their way. He looked past Piper and out the window. Her cheeks turned pink as he deliberately leaned across her and pointed. “See the mountains?”

She nodded and then turned back to face him. Her eyes searched his.

He felt pretty dumb. She could hardly look out the window and not see the mountains. “They’re beautiful,” he murmured.

She nodded again.

“You’re beautiful,” he breathed.

This time she didn’t nod. She closed her eyes and then opened them again. “Cameron, what are you doing?”

He smiled. “Making a fool of myself?”

“It feels more like you’re making a fool of me.”

Damn! That wasn’t his intention. “No. Piper, no. I … I like you.”

“I like you, too.”

He reached up and touched her face, and she pressed her cheek into his palm. “I don’t want to complicate things.”
