Page 32 of Red Wine and Roses

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They moved forward in a big crush of people. Piper looked around her as she went, wondering if Cameron had come down yet. Maybe he was glad to be rid of her? She spotted him talking to his parents at the bottom of the stairs. He turned and met her gaze and beckoned her over. She didn’t react, not sure she wanted to go.

Luke elbowed her in the ribs. “There’s your man; he’s calling you over.”

“He’s not my man.” Ugh. Why did she have to react like a kid?

Luke gave her a knowing smile. “I think he’d like to be. How about you relax?”

She gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Luke. I’m going to try.”

“Go on. I know how confusing it can all get, but take your chance, see how it pans out. You’ll only regret it if you don’t.”

She nodded and pushed her way through the crowd to join Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. She was surprised when Cameron slid his arm around her shoulders and pecked her on the cheek. “There you are.”

She looked up into his eyes. “Here I am.” She didn’t know what else to say.

His parents both smiled at her. “I’m glad we got a chance to see you. We’re just leaving,” said Mrs. Hamilton.

Piper’s heart sank. That meant Cameron would be going, too.

“At least we will be if Chelsea ever manages to get herself ready,” added Mr. Hamilton with a frown.

Cameron punched his arm. “Give her a break, Dad. You only decided you were leaving ten minutes ago.”

Piper looked up at him, wondering if he’d just called her over to say goodbye. He smiled down at her. “Dad got a call he has to go back and handle, but I’m staying until tonight.”

Relief washed through her. Mrs. Hamilton smiled at her. She seemed to understand how she felt. “Yes, we didn’t want to steal Cam away from you this early in the morning. You two should enjoy the day together. We’ll send the plane back tonight.”

Cameron smiled and nodded. He looked pleased. Piper smiled back. She was pleased, too, and she didn’t see any point in hiding it.

Chelsea came trotting down the stairs with her bag over her shoulder.

“There you are,” Mr. Hamilton scowled at her.

“Take it easy, Dad.”

Piper had to wonder what the dynamics were in their family. Mrs. Hamilton caught her eye. “Don’t worry, he’s not being mean. Chelsea and her father are just too much alike.” She smiled. “Girls and their daddies. Are you like that with yours?”

Piper shook her head. She realized Cameron and his dad were both looking at her waiting for her answer. “I never knew him.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.” Mrs. Hamilton looked contrite.

Piper smiled “Don’t be. My mom and I did just fine.”

Chelsea reached the bottom of the stairs and joined them. “What are we standing around for? Let’s go if we’re in such a hurry.” She looked at Piper and gave her an apologetic smile. “Are you coming?”

“No.” Piper shook her head rapidly.

“I’m not either,” said Cameron with a grin.

“So why do I have to go?” Chelsea scowled at her dad.

“Because I need your help, young lady.”

Cameron grinned at Piper. Whatever was going on didn’t seem like it was anything too serious. She relaxed a little. “She’s right. You should get going,” he said.

Mr. Hamilton rolled his eyes and looked at Piper. “These two keep me on my toes. I hope you’re going to be on my side?”

Piper raised an eyebrow, not understanding what he meant.
