Page 33 of Red Wine and Roses

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Mrs. Hamilton smiled. “We’re guessing you’ll be coming out to see us. He’s trying to rope you in to be his ally when you do—since the three of us like to gang up on him to get our way.”

Piper had no clue what to say. She was hardly expecting to be going out to visit them. But Mr. Hamilton was smiling at her encouragingly. He seemed like a great guy. She smiled at him. “I’ll be your ally anytime you need one.”

Cameron groaned, and Chelsea laughed. “What have you done?” she asked.

“Evened up the numbers a little,” said Mr. Hamilton. “It’s about time I had someone on my side. Now can we please get going?”

Cameron kept his arm around her shoulders as they watched them make their way through the stragglers in the lobby and out to the front door.

“How are they getting to the airport?” she asked. It seemed like the easiest question she could go with.

“Gene came for them. He’s their pilot, but he tends to act as their driver, too, when they travel.”

Piper nodded as if she understood. She didn’t. She couldn’t imagine having a pilot rather than being the pilot. Even that was a stretch. Being a pilot—one who got to fly real live people around—was still very new to her, and it was a huge step up from what she’d been doing until now. She had a feeling that this Gene guy who flew for the Hamiltons—and drove for them—would have looked down his nose at her when she was flying cargo.

“Are you hungry? Are we going to get brunch?”

“I am. I’m starving.” They made their way inside and joined the line at the buffet. It seemed Cameron was just carrying on as if all the weirdness hadn’t happened between them this morning, and they were going to spend the day together and hang out. She was grateful for that. It was what she wanted, and she didn’t want her hang-ups and misgivings to spoil things.

~ ~ ~

They found a seat at an empty table and Cameron smiled as he watched Piper tuck in.

“You really were hungry, huh?”

He was relieved when she smiled back. “Yeah. I don’t know what it was, but somehow I worked up an appetite.”

He laughed, hoping that she was referring to last night.

“Listen,” she said, “I’m sorry I weirded out on you this morning.”

“That’s okay.” He was surprised and pleased that she brought it up.

“It really isn’t. Can we start again?”

He raised an eyebrow.

“I mean start fresh from the point where you said you’d like to spend some time together, get to know each other? I’d like that, too. This morning I was a little overwhelmed to be waking up with you. I was feeling a little insecure. I told you it’s been a while since I’ve dated anyone, and I figured it might be easier to just bow out.”

Cameron nodded. He understood how she felt. “That’s okay. I understand. I can hardly hold it against you, can I?”

“Why not?”

“Because I’ve been just as bad. I was blowing hot and cold with you. The last couple of weekends, I wanted to see where this might go, but then I kept talking myself out of it.”

He was relieved when she smiled. “Yeah. You did leave me wondering a couple of times.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. I haven’t really dated anyone in a while either.”

He watched her face. It looked like she was about to argue with him, but then she seemed to change her mind. He thought she understood what he meant. There was a difference between sleeping with someone and dating them. “So, what are you saying?”

“That maybe we should try it.”


He nodded. He liked the idea. He wasn’t sure how it’d work out, but hell, a lot of couples just saw each other on the weekends when they lived in different places.

She smiled. “Okay.”
