Page 36 of Red Wine and Roses

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He thought about it. “One thing I do that makes me feel really good, is that I spend time at the hospital whenever I can.”

“What for?”

“I hang out with the kids. The company donates a lot to charities, and we donated the children’s wing at the hospital. That’s great and everything, but it’s just money. The feeling you get when you spend time with the kids when you can make them laugh and see them smile again,” he nodded. “That makes me happy.”

“Wow. You really are a good guy, aren’t you?”

He shrugged. “I try to be.”

She blew out a sigh. “You don’t need to try; it’s just who you are. I can tell. You really are too good to be true.”

He chuckled. “You’re just not aware of all the downsides yet.”

That made her smile again. “No, I guess not.”

“Well, I’ll be back next weekend, and you’ll no doubt begin to discover my flaws.”

She laughed. “I doubt you have any.”

“We all do. I’ll just have to keep coming back till you learn enough of mine that you don’t want me to anymore.”

“That may take a while.”

He smiled. “I hope so.”

“What time do you have to leave?”

He sighed. He didn’t want to think about heading back yet, but he knew he should. “Soon. I don’t want to leave it too late; it’s not fair on Gene. He already flew my folks home, and now he’s come back just for me.”

Piper smiled. “It’s nice to know that you private jet people have some consideration for your pilots and their families.” She laughed at the look on his face. “I’m only teasing you, and it’s true. I am glad you’re like that. There was one guy at the airport at home who flew for a family, and they were horrible to him. They were constantly changing their plans and leaving him waiting around. I know plans change, but they’d forget to tell him that they were staying an extra night, and he’d call them when they didn’t show up when they said they would—to see what time he could expect them, only to be told they didn’t need him and that he wouldn’t be getting home to his wife and baby until the next day.”

Cameron nodded. He knew too many people like that.

“Anyway, the point was, we need to get you back.”

He started up the engine and let the boat putter along. He wished he didn’t have to go.

When they got back to the resort, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked back up the jetty. “Are you going to call me? Let me know how your week at work is going?”

She smiled up at him. “No, but I’ll tell you all about it if you call me.”

He laughed. “Okay, I’ll call you then.”

She laughed with him. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m just trying to save myself some agony. If I’m supposed to call you, I’ll wonder if you really meant it and whether I should, and I’ll put it off and generally drive myself nuts.”

“Ah. Okay. I’ll call you. Tomorrow night at eight?”

“Yes, please.”

~ ~ ~

The next morning Piper showed up for work way too early. She couldn’t sleep. She was excited to get started, and she couldn’t get Cameron out of her mind. She needed to though, and she was hoping that getting settled in her new job would help with that. There was so much to learn, so much to do.

“You’re early,” called Rochelle from the front desk as she pushed her way in through the main doors. “Not too early for coffee though.” She pointed at the full carafe on the counter. “Do you want one?”

“I’d love one, thanks.”

Once they each had a coffee, Rochelle led her through to the office in the back. “I’m so happy you’re here. It’s great to have another woman around.”
