Page 37 of Red Wine and Roses

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“I’m so glad to be here—and to have a friend on my side.”

“I don’t know how you survived doing cargo for so long. Those guys have a reputation for being complete assholes.”

“And it’s a reputation they’ve earned. This is a great move for me. I can’t wait to learn everything, so teach me everything you can about the place. I want to learn. I don’t want to be one of those pilots who just comes in and flies out. I want to be a part of the team.”

Rochelle grinned. “Good, because you’re going to be. Smoke and Jason have set things up so that you’ll get to do some of everything these first few weeks, and then you can meet with them and talk about what works best—what you enjoy and where you’re most needed.”

Piper grinned. “I love it all. I love instructing, I’m excited to fly the corporate jet—and I’ve known Jack all my life, so I won’t be intimidated thinking that the passengers are high-powered businessmen.”

Rochelle laughed. “I wouldn’t have thought you’d have a problem with those.”

“Why not?”

She laughed again. “Err, maybe because you had one very high-powered businessman following you round like a puppy all weekend.”

Piper dropped her gaze. “You mean Cameron?”

“Yeah, or are you seeing any other billionaires that I should know about?”

Piper rolled her eyes. “No. Cameron and I just … well, we’re just getting to know each other. And besides, he’s not a billionaire, he just …” She stopped when she saw the look on Rochelle’s face. “What?”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. I like him a lot, and he’s coming back next weekend, but …”

“I don’t mean that. I mean. You don’t think he’s a billionaire?”

Piper frowned. “They’re a very rich family, and they run a big wine business, but …” Her voice trailed off. “Billionaires?”

Rochelle nodded. “Yup.”

“Oh. Wow.”

Rochelle touched her arm. “Don’t look like that. It doesn’t make any difference. He’s just got even more money than you thought.”

Piper shook her head. “It shouldn’t make any difference, should it? But do you know how dumb I feel? Only yesterday I was telling him what it was like growing up in a trailer park. How I learned to fly from a farmer in a crop duster because no way could I afford lessons.”

“Why does that make you feel dumb?”

“I don’t know. Because we’re so different.”

“You’re not different though, are you? You just come from different backgrounds, and since you do, you need to tell each other that stuff so you can understand each other. So, it wasn’t dumb, it was smart.”

Piper nodded. She knew what Rochelle meant, but still. “I guess so.”

“Come on. Don’t look like that. You knew he was a rich guy. Why would changing the word millionaire into billionaire make any difference to how you feel?”

Piper thought about that. “I guess it really shouldn’t, should it?”


“Okay, then I’m going to put it out of my head. And can we get down to work? That’s what I’m supposed to be doing—not gossiping about Cameron.”

Rochelle smiled. “Of course, but you’re still early for work even if we start now.”

~ ~ ~

“Are you going to tell me about her?”
