Page 39 of Red Wine and Roses

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“Send her a dozen red roses.” It hadn’t occurred to him till Mary Ellen mentioned it, but he hadn’t sent Piper flowers or wine or anything at all. That wasn’t like him. He wanted her to feel special.

Mary Ellen grinned. “Do you have her address?”

“No, but she’s staying at the resort at Summer Lake.”

Mary Ellen waggled her eyebrows. “And you know her room number, right?”

He laughed. “Come on. Let’s get some lunch.”

Chapter Eleven

Piper had dinner in the bar at the resort on Monday evening. It had been a long day in the office with Rochelle. Piper wasn’t cut out for admin work. She never had been. She preferred to be doing—out flying—rather than sitting staring at a computer, but it was her goal to become a valuable part of the team at the airport. She was prepared to do whatever it took, and Rochelle was a great teacher, with seemingly limitless patience!

“Hello, it’s good to see you out and about.”

Piper smiled when Laura’s Aunt Chris, took a seat beside her at the bar. “You, too. How are you?”

“I’m doing wonderfully, thank you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. Are you meeting Jack and Dan?”

Chris laughed. “No. I brought myself out for dinner.”

“Good for you.” Piper liked Chris; she was an inspiration. She’d been by herself ever since Piper could remember, and she’d raised her boys and lived a full life. Now she seemed to be making the most of her independence—no matter how hard Jack tried to keep an eye on her.

“Do you mind if I join you?”

“I’m sorry, but I’ve just eaten. I’m about to head home.”

“No problem. I bet you’re tired; are they working you hard at the airport?”

Piper smiled. “It’s great. I love it, but today was an admin day, and my brain is fried.”

Chris laughed. “You head on home then. Put your feet up. Did you rent a place?”

“No, not yet. For now, home is just a room here. But I am going to start looking after work tomorrow.”

“Good luck with that. There seem to be a few nice places up for rent at the moment.”

“Thanks.” Piper was keen to find a place. She wanted to get settled then Summer Lake would really start to feel like home. Any other evening, she would have stayed and hung out with Chris while she ate, but she was hoping that Cameron would call her soon. He’d said he would. She shook her head as she ran up the stairs in the lodge. She shouldn’t be hanging out by the phone waiting for a guy to call. That wasn’t the right way to start her new life. She should be out making friends. She let herself into her room and stopped when she saw them. Wow! A dozen red roses were sitting in a vase on the dresser. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she went to them and looked for the card.

She found it and tore it open. They were from Cameron. Just as she’d hoped. It wasn’t as if there was anyone else who might send her flowers.

Thanks for a great weekend.

See you Friday.



She couldn’t wipe the big silly smile off her face. He sent her roses! No one had ever done that. She hugged the card to her chest. This was awesome.

Her phone rang, and she dug it out of her purse. It was him.


“Hey. It’s me. Did you get the flowers?”
