Page 40 of Red Wine and Roses

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“Yes, thank you! They’re beautiful. That was so sweet of you.”

“I’m glad you like them. How was your day?”

“It was good. Not my favorite kind because I was in the office and not in the air, but it was good. I think I’m going to love it there.”

“Good. I’m happy for you.”

“How about you?” She realized as she asked that she knew nothing about what he did. She knew he was the CEO of a huge company, but she didn’t know what that meant—how he spent his days. “How was your day?”

“It was good. Busy as always.”

“What do you do?”

He laughed. “What do you mean?”

“I mean what do you all day. I know you make wine and distribute it, but what do you actually do?”

“I do all kinds of stuff. I meet with buyers, I oversee production, I make decisions about the harvest. A million and one things, really.”

“And what did you do today?” It was important to her to have some idea, to be able to picture him in his world, even though she’d probably never see it—or perhaps because of that.

“Hmm. This morning I had to go through a bunch of reports, quarterly projections for the distribution chain. Then I had lunch with my assistant, and then I spent the afternoon in a meeting with the sales and marketing guys about expanding our network of tasting rooms.”


He laughed. “Yeah, it was a busy day, but I had trouble concentrating on it all.”

She smiled. “And why was that?”

“Because I kept thinking about you, and what you might be doing. And looking forward to calling you.”

“Aww, you’re too sweet.”

He laughed. “That’s not something I normally get called, but since it’s you, I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“Good. That’s how I meant it.”

“I think this week is going to be a long one.”

“Are you very busy?”

“No more than usual. I just can’t wait to get back there.”

She grinned. She hadn’t known how this conversation might go, she’d been a little concerned that it would be stilted and awkward, but he seemed keen to chat, and he wasn’t shy about looking forward to seeing her again. “I can’t wait for you to get here. What do you want to do?”

“Whatever you like. We can take a boat out again or go four-wheeling or whatever you feel like. I think we should cram in as much as possible. Make the most of the time we have.”

Piper frowned. Did that mean this weekend would be it?

“You’ve gone quiet on me.”

“Sorry. I didn’t realize you wanted an answer to that.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t. I just think I know you well enough to know that you took that wrong.”

How did he know?

“All I meant was since we only get the weekend and not the rest of the week, we should make the most of the two days we have.”
