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“Shit, Molly.”


“I … you know how we met. And I’m sure she told you how I screwed up?”

“She feels like she’s the one who screwed up.”

“She does? Why?”

“Because you gave her the impression that you were married – to get rid of her.”

“No! It wasn’t like that. It wasn’t to get rid of her. Well, okay, maybe it kind of was. But not because I wasn’t interested. It was because I wastoointerested.” He ran his hand over his face. “You know me, Molly. I don’t … I’m not into relationships. But that short time I spent talking to Hannah made me want to get to know her better. But then I remembered that I couldn’t; that there was no point trying to get to know her because I don’t have the time or the … anything else for a relationship. I have Ava.”

“I thought that might be it. But single parents date all the time.”

“I know they do. But they already have the hang of being parents. I’m barely hanging in there taking care of Ava. I don’t feel like I could add someone else into the mix. It wouldn’t be fair to her.”

“Do you really believe that?”

He pursed his lips. “I did. But then … we ran into Hannah at the shelter on Sunday. And Ava asked her if she wanted to hang out with us. She couldn’t because she was there for some meeting. But then Ava … she said I should ask Hannah out!”

Molly smiled. “She’s a smart kid.”

“Is she? Is she just way smarter than I am? I’m starting to think she might be.”

“In what way?”

“Before we said goodbye to Hannah, Ava went and gave her a hug and there was something between them – something … I don’t know, real. Like they both needed each other. When Hannah had gone, Ava said that if I asked her out, we’dbothget to hang out with her. She didn’t just like that idea, but she loved it. She said so. And … it made me wonder. I’ve been thinking that me not dating is better for her, so that I can give her what she needs. But since then, I’ve been wondering if maybe bringing a woman into her life is exactly what she needs.”

Molly nodded slowly. “It might be exactly what she needs. But you can’t date someone just because it might be good for Ava.”

“That wouldn’t be the only reason.”

“Then maybe you should give it a try.”

He held her gaze for a long moment. “But what about when it ends? Won’t it be worse for Ava to get attached to her and then have to say goodbye? She’s already lost too much.”

“I think you’d have to be careful. You’d have to be honest with her from the start – explain to her that you don’t know where it’s going or even if it’s going anywhere.”

The phone on the desk rang, startling both of them. Molly scowled at it, and Grady got to his feet. “Thanks, Moll. Do you want to sit in my section when she comes in?”

“Okay.” She reached for the phone but hesitated before she picked it up. Grady was at the door when she spoke again. “And here’s a thought for you to ponder. You’re worried about Ava getting hurt when it ends – what if it doesn’t end?”

He stared at her. But she picked the phone up and answered, smiling at him as she did. Grady went back out to the kitchen. What was she even talking about? All relationships ended. He stopped dead when it hit him. All relationships ended unless ... unless they didn’t. But forever wasn’t a word that held much meaning for him. Or it hadn’t, before Ava came to live with him. His heart hammered in his chest, and he had to wipe his hands on his pants again. That was a typical fear reaction, right? He had to believe that it was fear and not … something else.

~ ~ ~

Hannah checked herself over in the mirror before she got out of the car. She looked okay. She shouldn’t care. But she did. This was only about having lunch with Molly. Yes, Grady would be there, but that didn’t mean … anything!

She got out and slammed the door. She was being stupid again. She needed to go in there and have lunch with her friend. If Grady wanted to talk to them, that’d be nice. And, if anything else came of it … well, that’d be even nicer.

She still had to decide if she wanted to ask him to be the twelfth man in the calendar shoot. Perhaps she could ask him to bring Ava. That way the little girl would get to see all the puppies – that she obviously loved. And Hannah wouldn’t look – or feel – like she was making unwanted advances on Grady again.

She pushed the door to the restaurant open and spotted him immediately. He really was a good-looking guy. He was tall and tan, his dark blond hair was just a little too long. He wasn’t all big and built like the guys she usually went for. But he was lean and athletic looking. A little shiver ran down her spine when she wondered what he’d look like without his shirt on. For the calendar shoot! Not anything else.

He turned and greeted her with a smile. She wanted to believe that he’d felt her gaze on him. But she had to be realistic. He was at work. He probably turned and smiled whenever the door opened, and customers came in. Whatever the reason behind it, his smile made her heart beat a little faster. She smiled back and nodded before looking around for Molly. She didn’t want her friend catching her ogling him.

She couldn’t see Molly, but Grady came straight to her, his smile never faltering. “Molly’s in the back; she’ll be out as soon as she can. She asked me to look out for you.”
