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Slade threw back his head and laughed.

“What’s funny about that?”

“Sorry. It’s just that is so not why Hannah’s helping you out. She loves the kid. Surely you can see that?” He raised his eyebrows. “And I’d guess that she’s kind of attached to you, too. I know it’s none of my damn business, and I should keep my nose out. But I’m not being nosey. I just … it’s awesome to have Hannah home. And even better to see her so happy. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.”

“Thanks.” Grady didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t even know the guy.

Slade waved him through and turned to go back inside the gatehouse, but he turned back and said, “Sorry, I was out of line.”

“No! I’m not mad at you. I’m just … I don’t know what I’m doing. She’s one hell of a woman, but …”

“If you’re not that into her, you should call it off now. She and Ava are already getting attached.”

“I am! Shit. It’s not because I’m not into her. I guess I’m afraid that I’m too into her.”

Slade smiled. “I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about there.”

“Thanks.” This time Grady did pull through the gate and carried on up the driveway. Slade seemed like a good guy. But he didn’t feel like spilling his guts to him. If he was going to talk to anyone about how he felt about Hannah, it should be Hannah.

Just before he reached the turn off that led to the cottage, he saw a vehicle coming down the main driveway from the house. It flashed its headlights at him. He slowed down and when it flashed again, he pulled over to the side. He didn’t know if the driver was telling him to get out of the way or what. But he figured it was best to let them pass.

As it got closer, he recognized Jacob behind the wheel. He smiled as he pulled over. He looked friendly enough, but Grady’s nerves were on edge. If Slade knew that he was spending so much time here, Jacob no doubt knew as well. He made himself smile, hoping that he didn’t look guilty as he got out of his Honda. He had no reason to feel guilty, but even if he wasn’t Jacob Jacobs, he was still Hannah’s big brother. He was entitled to his opinion.

“Hey, Grady. Sorry to hold you up. I’m sure you’re eager to get to the girls. I just wanted a quick word.”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“I met Ava this afternoon. She’s a great kid.”

“She is.”

“I asked her if she wanted to help me with the tree lighting ceremony on Wednesday. Hannah said she’d talked to you about that. I hope it’s okay?”

“It’s fine by me. What did Ava think?”

“She loved the idea.”


Jacob’s smile faded. “I hope it’s also okay that we decided she should call me Uncle Jacob.”

Grady grinned. “Not a problem.” Jacob seemed as unsure of himself as Grady felt. “I hope it’s okay that we’re here so much at the moment. Hannah offered to help out with Ava.”

“She told me. I hope that’s not the only reason that you’re both here so much?”

“No.” He ran his hand over his face. “I’m not trying to take advantage of her if that’s what you’re thinking. I –”

“It’s not. I’m not trying to pull the big brother act on you. Hannah would be pissed at me if I did that. I’ve learned to respect that she makes her own decisions.” He smiled. “And for what it’s worth, as far as I’m concerned, you’re the best decision she’s made in a long time.”

“Why the question then? Why ask if Ava’s the only reason that I’m here so much?”

Jacob looked away and then met his gaze again with a rueful smile. “I don’t know if this is worse than what you thought. You thought I might be hoping to run you off when, in fact, I’m hoping to draw you in. Spending time with them this afternoon, it was obvious that Hannah and Ava have already grown very close. They have a connection that I think they both need. So, I am hoping that you’re not just looking for something casual.”


Jacob laughed. “Not what you were expecting to hear?”

“Hell no! Don’t you think you should get to know me better before you go saying shit like that?”
