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“You’d think, wouldn’t you? But like I said, Hannah makes her own decisions. Everything she’s told me about you says that she’s making a good decision. Meeting Ava reassured me. She’s a good kid – and everything she says about her Uncle Grady indicates that you’re a good guy, too. And I may as well admit that I did a bit of research just in case.” He raised his eyebrows. “Do you have a problem with that?”

Grady shook his head slowly. “I feel like I should have a problem with it. I don’t like the idea of anyone crawling up my ass with a fine-toothed comb.”

Jacob laughed. “Now that you put it that way, I’m not thrilled about it myself.”

Grady had to laugh with him. He couldn’t help liking the guy. He was nothing liketheJacob Jacobs whom he’d only known by reputation and rumor. “Yeah, that probably wasn’t the best way to phrase it, but you know what I mean. I should feel offended by being subjected to that kind of scrutiny, especially when I had no clue. But …” He shrugged. “I don’t. I get it. She’s your sister. And …” He looked around, taking in the huge estate. “Given your circumstances, it only makes sense that your family might attract … undesirables. I’m not after her money, though. I promise you that. If anything, it’ll be an obstacle for us to overcome.”


“I’m not a materialistic kind of guy.”

“So why would it bother you that Hannah’s wealthy?”

“I’m not stupid; I know that your kind of wealth comes with a lot of advantages. But it has its disadvantages, too. It can get in the way. It can make people forget what’s really important.”

“It can. But I assure you, Hannah has her priorities straight.”

Grady frowned at him. “I expected you to give me a hard time. At the very least, I thought you’d lay down the law about how I need to treat your sister. Instead, I feel like you’re trying to sell me on her. What’s the deal?”

Jacob laughed. “The deal is that since she came home, she’s been happier than I’ve ever known her. And it’s down to you - you make her happy.”

It felt good to hear that, but Grady still wasn’t sure. “I fucked up at first.”

Jacob laughed again. “At LAX? She told me all about that.”

“She did?”

“Yes. She was good and pissed about the married asshole who hit on her. So was I.”

Grady shrugged. “I … I found myself too interested in her, and when it looked like she was interested in me too, I thought it was better for both of us to just not go there.”


“Because of Ava.”

“What changed?”

Grady smiled. “Ava and Hannah met and they just – connected. I thought I shouldn’t be dating anyone because I need to focus on Ava. It turns out that she’s better off for knowing Hannah.”

“That brings me full circle back to where I started. I think they’re both better off for having each other.” He met Grady’s gaze. “I’m not trying to force my sister on you. I know it’s early days yet. But I want you to know that I’m in your corner. And that … that I wouldn’t mind if I end up being Uncle Jacob for real.”

Grady sucked in a deep breath.

“Sorry. Too soon?”

He had to laugh. “It really should be. We haven’t known each other long, and I never had any plans to get married, even before Ava came to live with me. But … well, the subject has come up between us. And we’ve agreed that neither of us is averse to the idea. If things turn out that way. That it’s a possibility for someday.”

Jacob smiled and nodded. “I’m glad to hear it. And I’m not trying to rush you or anything. I just think it’s good to know where the road might lead before you set off on your journey.”

“Yeah. Mind if I ask you something?”

“What’s that?”

“What about you? You’re not married. From what I’ve seen – and that’s only online and in magazines, you’ve lived your life the same way I have – no commitments, nothing long-term. Why are you supportive of Hannah and me when it’s not something you’re looking for yourself?”

Jacob blew out a sigh. “You’re right; that is how I’ve lived my life. But … perhaps I’m so supportive of you guys because I’m reaching the point where I would like to find someone.” He laughed. “No, I should rephrase that; I think you know as well as I do that finding someone isn’t the issue. It’s finding the right kind of someone. The women I’ve known fall into two categories – there are the ones who are only looking for some fun, and the ones who are looking to become Mrs. Jacobs. None of them are the right kind of someone. But they’re the only kinds of women I ever seem to meet.”

“Maybe you’re not looking in the right places?”
