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“Err, first we can have dinner,” said Grady.

Ava rolled her eyes. “Okay!”

Hannah’s eyes filled with tears as she watched them. She loved everything about this; she loved having them here. She glanced at Grady, who was opening up the fridge, ready to start making dinner. She loved him! She’d already admitted to herself that she’d fallen in love with Ava. And now, she could no longer hide from the fact that she’d fallen hard for Grady, too.

By the time they sat down to eat, Ava was looking tired – or something. No, she wasn’t tired, something was bothering her. Hannah touched her arm. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

She nodded but her little eyebrows knit together.

“What’s up, Pixie?”

She turned to Grady. “When are we going to decorate your house?”

Hannah sat back. She could tell by Grady’s expression that he wasn’t thrilled to hear Ava call ithishouse. She’d only lived with him for a few months, but when Hannah had first met her, she called ittheirhouse. She held her breath while she waited for him to answer.

“When do you want to do it?”

Ava’s bottom lip trembled, but she didn’t answer him.

“Tell me what’s bothering you, Ava.”

Tears shone in her eyes. “I like your house, but …” She didn’t finish the sentence before she burst into tears.

Grady went straight to her and put his arm around her shoulders. “It’s okay. Don’t cry. Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?”

She nodded. “I’m not a big baby.”

“I know, sweetheart. You’re a brave girl. Want me to tell you what I’m thinking and see if it’s the same thing you are?”

She nodded again.

Hannah’s heart melted in her chest. She loved the way he was with her. He gave her what looked like a worried look, but she couldn’t figure out what he was worried about until he spoke.

His eyes pleaded with her when he did. “I’m thinking that I don’t want to decorate our house. Because I don’t want to spend Christmas there.” He was looking at Ava again. “Is that what you’re thinking?”

She nodded.

Hannah’s heart hammered in her chest. She should have thought. They’d just been going day by day. She hadn’t wanted to say too much because she didn’t know what he was planning when Mel came back. She’d been holding back so that she didn’t ask too much, and in doing that, it seemed she’d left both of them hanging.

Grady raised his eyebrows at her. “I knew what Ava was thinking, and I hope that you’re thinking the same way?”

“Yes! I’m so sorry. I just assumed that you’d stay here for Christmas – please?”

He nodded eagerly. “Yes, please.”

Ava slid down from her chair and came to lean against her. “Is it really okay with you? I’ll be good and I’ll be quiet.”

“Oh, sweetie, you are good, and it only worries me when you’re quiet. You don’t have to be. I like it when you’re you and when you’re singing and playing because then I know that you’re happy.”

“Being here makes me happy.”

“Having you here makes me happy, too.” She kissed Ava’s cheek and then looked at Grady. “Having you both here makes me very happy.”

“That makes three of us,” he said with a smile.

“Four!” Ava added. “Scooter’s happy here, too.”

Hannah nodded. It was true. All four of them were way happier now than when they’d all met at the shelter such a short time ago.
