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Hannah exchanged a glance with Molly, and they both burst out laughing.

“You’re so bad!”

“It’s the way it is. But anyway, that’s me and my news. Tell me what’s going on with you guys.Youneed to tell me about the baby and Marcos, andyouneed to tell me about Grady and that adorable little Ava.”

Hannah looked over her shoulder. She’d come in here to spend time with Grady and Ava, not to sit here gossiping. A rush of warmth spread through her chest when she met Grady’s gaze. He was coming back with their drinks. His blue eyes held hers all the way, and when he reached the table, he ran his hand over her hair.

“Are you ladies doing okay?”

“We’re great, thanks.”

Hannah got to her feet. “It’s so good to see you, Willow. I’ll give you a call and we’ll get together while you’re back, okay?”

Willow gave her a knowing smile. “I’ll look forward to it.” She turned her gaze on Grady and Hannah held her breath, but there was nothing – no spark of recognition, or anything else. She was relieved. She’d been prepared to accept it if they had history, but she’d much rather not have to.

Chapter Twenty-One

“Hurry up, little dude. It’s cold out here.” Grady shivered as he watched Scooter wander around sniffing out the perfect spot to pee.

“Uncle Grady?” Ava stuck her head out of the kitchen door.

“What’s up, Pixie?”

“Do you think Uncle Jacob will like Frozen or Moana better?”

He had to bite back a laugh. “I don’t think he’ll be too worried either way.” He couldn’t imagine Jacob being thrilled at the prospect of watching either movie. But he’d insisted that he was more than happy to come over and watch Ava while he and Hannah went to Muse. Even when Grady had explained that Friday night was Ava’s night, and that she got to choose what they watched and what they ate, Jacob had simply smiled and claimed that he was fine to broaden his horizons.

Scooter was done and he trotted back and followed Ava inside. Grady hurried after them. They had a little while yet, but he wanted to make sure that Ava was all set, and that Hannah was nearly ready. It should be weird that after all the time they’d spent together – lived together – this was the first time they were going out on something that could be counted as a date. If it were a date, he’d rather take her somewhere where it’d be just the two of them. But the only reason that they were going out at all was to meet up with everyone at Antonio’s wine bar, Muse.

He was looking forward to it. He closed the door behind him, closing the cold out. Hannah came hurrying down the hallway from the bedroom.

“Is Jacob here? I thought I heard the door.”

Grady went to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Relax. We’ve got a little while yet. I just took Scooter out.” He leaned back and let his gaze travel over her. She looked amazing. Her long blonde hair fell in waves around her shoulders. She was wearing black pants and a black top made out of some shimmery fabric that he just had to slide his hands over to see how it felt. “Damn! Are you sure we have to go out?”

She chuckled and glanced over his shoulder at Ava. “Watch where you’re putting your paws. She’s right there.”

He shrugged and blew out an exaggerated sigh. “I suppose I can wait until we get home and she’s in bed.”

They both turned at the sound of a car approaching. “Here he is.”

“I’d better go and get finished.” As Hannah hurried back to the bedroom, Grady had no idea what she thought she needed to finish. She looked perfect to him.

Scooter barked at the sound of a car door closing. “It’s okay,” Ava soothed him. “It’s Uncle Jacob. He’s going to hang out with us tonight. Remember, I told you.”

Grady chuckled as he went outside and closed the door behind him. Scooter was panting eagerly and looked for all the world as though he did remember what Ava had told him.

Jacob greeted him with a smile. “I’m not too early, am I?”

“Nope. You’re right on time. Ava and Scooter are eagerly awaiting you, and Hannah’s almost ready to go.”

“Great.” Jacob rubbed his hands together as if he was looking forward to what was to come.

“Are you sure that you’re okay with this?”

Jacob laughed. “Totally. Don’t try and take it away from me now. I’ve had a hell of a week at work, and the one bright spot on the horizon that I kept looking forward to was getting to hang out with Ava tonight.”

Grady had to laugh. “I’ll take your word for it, but I still find it hard to believe that you wouldn’t rather come out with us – or go out on a date.”
