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“I’m still finding it somewhat hard to believe myself. Not so long ago I would have laughed in your face if you’d told me that I’d be looking forward to spending Christmas Eve Eve with an eight-year-old girl and a puppy. But I can honestly tell you that there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”


Jacob chuckled. “Nowhere that I could realistically be tonight. Becca’s gone home to visit with her family. I could hardly follow her to Kansas.”

“And when she comes back? Do you have any plans to see her?”

“No plans.” He smiled. “I have the desire to see her, but first I need to decide whether it’s a good idea.”

“She’s awesome.”

Jacob nodded. “I know. That’s why I don’t want to rush in. Anyway, tonight I’m glad that I get to help you guys out. And I hope that I’m laying the foundations for my future relationship with my niece.” He raised his eyebrows. “Have you decided when you’re going to ask Hannah yet?”

“No. I have the ring. I wanted to talk to you and Xander, so that all the groundwork was done in advance. Now that I have your blessing, I’m free to wait for the right moment to present itself.”

They both turned when headlights shone on them. “That’ll be Xander,” said Jacob.

“And that means we’d better get a move on,” said Grady.

Xander had suggested that they might as well all ride into town together. That way there’d only be one car to collect in the morning.

When the SUV stopped, Grady was surprised to see Slade climb out of the passenger side.

Xander grinned. “I talked this guy into coming out with us. Just because you’re off work, it doesn’t mean you get rid of us completely.”

Slade grinned back at him and punched his shoulder. “As if I’d want to, asshole.”

Jacob rolled his eyes at Grady. “If you’re expecting a quiet and civilized night out, you’re going to be disappointed. Things tend to get wild when those two team up.”

Grady laughed. “I’m glad to hear it. Come on, Hannah’s probably ready by now, but Ava will be disappointed if she doesn’t get to see you.” He led them into the cottage with a big smile on his face. He had to agree with Jacob; if someone had told him that this was how he’d be spending Christmas Eve Eve, he would have laughed at them. Not so long ago he’d been a single guy, living in his townhouse by himself. Now, he had Hannah and Ava and Scooter – a family complete with a dog. And a whole new extended family of friends and hopefully, soon-to-be in-laws.

~ ~ ~

Hannah fanned herself with her hand and swiped Chelsea’s glass of water from her hand. She needed to cool off. It’d been a long time since she’d danced so much.

Chelsea grabbed her glass back. “Hey! You should have your man get you one.”

Hannah laughed. “I’m leaving him to it. It’s so cool to see him hanging out with Xander like that.” She jerked her chin to where Grady was sitting with Xander and Slade, and all the other guys.

“Aww, I’ll bet. Are the brothers being good to him then? It looks like it.”

Hannah nodded happily. “Better than I would have dreamed. I wouldn’t have been surprised if Jacob froze him out.” She laughed. “Or if Xander knocked him out.”

Chelsea laughed with her. “Right? Me neither. I was the same with Smoke and Cameron when I first met Grant. Do you think it’s just because we’re older now – that they’re not so worried about their little sisters? That they’re finally accepting that we can make our own choices?”

“I’d like to think so. But I’m more inclined to believe that it’s just that they approve of these choices. I’m not going to say anything about the guys you dated before you met Grant. But I will own up to having dated some assholes in the past. Looking back, I can hardly blame the brothers for not being so welcoming toward them.”

Chelsea made a face. “Hmm. You have a point.” She frowned as she stared across the dancefloor. “Speaking of the assholes you’ve dated in the past; tell me if I’m seeing things, but is that Nathan?”

Hannah followed her gaze, and her heart sank when she saw him. She blew out a sigh. “I wish I could tell you that you’re seeing things. But yup, that’s him.”

Chelsea let out a low whistle. “I know he’s an asshole. But damn girl; he’s a hot asshole.”

Hannah rolled her eyes. “I thought so too in the beginning, but he doesn’t even look that good to me anymore. What I used to think were sexy eyes now look shifty. His mouth looks mean. I don’t know. When you get to know a person, it affects how you see them – in every sense. That’s why I prefer working with models I don’t know. I can’t project my perception of them that way.”

“I’ll take your word for it. But do we need to scoot? He’s spotted you and he’s headed this way.”

“Shit! I have no desire to talk to him, but it’s probably better to get it over with.” She glanced at Grady, who was still chatting with the guys. “Would you go and tell Grady what’s happening – and that I’d like to introduce him?”
