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Jacob: Neither do I – not if you’re in a vehicle without a hands-free system.

She made a face at her phone. She almost replied that beggars can’t be choosers, but she thought better of it. She didn’t want to highlight the difference in their financial statuses.

Becca: How about I call you when I get home?

After she’d sent it, she worried that she was being too pushy. She probably wasn’t. They’d talked a few times since that first night, and he’d said each time that she could call him whenever she wanted.

Jacob: Will you stop into the office when you reach the Airpark place?

Becca: I don’t need to. It’s one of those places where you just park and take your keys with you. You pay at the machine on the way out.

Why did he think that she might need to go into the office? Well, she’d guess that he parked in the kind of places where they parked the car for you and then brought it out to you when you arrived back.

Jacob: Humor me?

She frowned at her phone.

Becca: How? I don’t get it.

Jacob: When you get off the shuttle. Instead of going straight to Fred. Go into the office.

Becca: You’re not going to tell me why, are you?

Jacob: No.

She couldn’t help smiling as she stared at her phone. He was up to something, but she couldn’t imagine what.

She looked out of the window as the bus approached the parking lot. The office was a low white building next to the booths where you had to pay to get out.

Jacob: Do you trust me?

Becca: Yes.

Wow. She’d typed in the reply without a moment’s hesitation. It was true. She did trust him. She barely knew him, but she knew enough to know that she could trust him.

Jacob: Thank you. And please go to the office when you get here.

She was about to reply that she would, but then she did a double take. When you gethere? That had to be a typo, right?

She looked out of the window again and pulled her case toward her when the bus pulled up in front of the office. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She was being stupid, right? There was no way he washere. He couldn’t be. He hadn’t even known where she was going – where she’d parked Fred until … she checked her watch. It had only been forty-five minutes or so since she landed. She needed to get a grip. It was physically impossible for a person to get from Napa to Oakland in that time.

She smiled at the old lady who’d been sitting opposite her and helped her get her case out of the rack. When she felt the weight of it, she carried it down from the bus for her, too, before reaching back to grab her own little case.

The lady smiled and nodded and clasped Becca’s hand between both of her own as she thanked her in some language that Becca didn’t understand. To be fair, it might have been English, but she couldn’t focus on the words. She was still too busy trying to figure out what Jacob was up to. Had he had some flowers delivered to the office for her? Was that it?

Once the lady had gone, she looked around one more time and then started pushing her little case toward the office.

She’d almost reached the door when it opened, and Jacob stepped out. “Hi.”

Her hand flew up to cover her mouth as a rush of happiness bubbled up in her chest. “Oh my God! Jacob! What … how … what are you doing here?” She had one more question, but she thought it best not to ask just how he managed to get hotter every time she saw him. He was wearing an expensive-looking, light gray suit, with a crisp, white shirt and a pale blue tie – wow!

She noticed that the tie somehow made his eyes look blue to match it. Then she swallowed when she realized that she’d noticed that detail because he’d closed the distance between them and was now standing in front of her, smiling down at her.

It looked like there was a chink in his confidence when he asked, “Is this okay?”

She couldn’t help it; she reached out and touched his arm. If she had to guess, she’d say that he felt the electricity that buzzed between them just as much as she did.

“This is so much more than okay! It’s … wonderful! But …”
