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Jacob: Welcome home!

I hope you had a good flight.

Drive safely – and tell Fred I said he’d better be good to you!

She laughed out loud, not caring what the guy in the seat next to her might think. He’d hogged the armrest since Salt Lake City, she didn’t owe him a thing.

She couldn’t stop smiling as she tapped out a reply.

Becca: Hey! Thank you.

Just landed. It’ll take me a while to even get to Fred.

I’ll pass on the message, but he’ll take care of me.

We’re going to spend the next several hours together.

I’m sure he’ll be good to me.

She started to put her phone away again, He must have sent that while she was in the air. She knew that he’d still be in the office – from their chats over the last week, she’d learned that he usually worked late.

So, she was thrilled when his reply came in.

Jacob: Several hours? Is he slow?

Becca: No! He’s awesome.

But we have to face Oakland afternoon traffic.

Jacob: Is he going to make it?

Becca: Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.

Jacob: I’m not worried about him. I’m worried about you.

Your Triple-A card isn’t going to be much help in beating off muggers if Fred lets you down.

Becca: He won’t!

Jacob: Where did you leave him?

Becca had to get up. The doors were open, and people were starting to get off now. However much she was enjoying this, she needed to text as she went. She grabbed her carry-on from the overhead locker.

Becca: In the long-term lot.

Jacob: Which one?

Becca: Airpark.

She frowned at her phone as she made her way off the plane, wondering what difference it made. She’d booked that one because it was the cheapest.

She kept watching her screen as she walked up the concourse back toward the main terminal, pushing her carry-on in front of her. She loved that little suitcase. It was so easy to wheel around, and it was just big enough to stuff in everything she needed so that she didn’t have to check a bag. Watching the throngs of people heading toward the baggage claim made her grateful for that.

She headed straight out to the line for the shuttle that would take her back to the parking place. Jacob was taking his time replying, but she kept her phone in her hand while she stood in line. It seemed that every other bus came before hers. Still, she didn’t mind standing for a while, she’d been sitting on planes all day. It was a good thing, too, since she had to stand there for about twenty minutes. She’d just taken a seat on the bus when her phone beeped again.

Jacob: I’m guessing Fred won’t let me call you while you’re on the road?

Becca: No. Sorry. He doesn’t approve of talking and driving.
