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“So, can you send me a check or something?”

“I don’t have it, Aiden. Things have been really tight for me since you left.”

He blew out a sigh. “I thought you’d have it figured out by now. I told you, you should get a roommate.”

“The leasing company wouldn’t let me.”

“You don’t need to tell them.”

She blew out a sigh. That was just one more thing she didn’t miss about him. Aiden didn’t believe that rules applied to him.

“Can’t you get it from your folks or something? I need that money, Becca.”

“I can’t. They don’t have it any more than I do. I’m sorry, Aiden. I’m sorry that your money is tied up in the deposit for this place. But mine is, too. I didn’t even want to take this place. You were the one who said that we’d be able to afford it – together. And then you left. You might not like having your money tied to this place, but I have my whole life tied to it.”

“Can’t you break the lease?”

She gripped the edge of the counter in an attempt to steady herself. “As a matter of fact, I just tried to do that. But it’s going to cost two months’ rent. If I break the lease, we won’t get the deposit back at all.”


“Yeah, shit, Aiden. But I’m sorry I can’t feel too sorry for you. You’re the one who landed us in this mess. For you, the worst thing is that you can’t get your money back out yet. For me, I’m stuck here, trying to keep up with the rent and the bills and everything.” She hated the way her voice broke.

“I’m sorry, Becs.”

“Yeah. So am I.” She swiped angrily at the tears on her cheeks.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come to Vegas with me?”

She let out a short laugh. “I’m very sure.”

“Okay, well, I’d better let you go then, huh?”

“Yeah.” She knew better than to think that he might try to help in some way – any way. She couldn’t give him what he wanted. So, he was probably already thinking about other ways he could get his hands on some money. He was like that. Always had been.

“I’ll give you a call again soon.”

“Sure.” She didn’t expect him to – not unless he came up with some way that she might be able to help him out.

“Love you, Becs.”

She scowled at her phone. He couldn’t seriously expect her to say it back? Couldn’t think that for one minute she believed him, could he?

He chuckled. “Sorry. Force of habit, I guess. It’s still true though, Becs. If you change your mind, decide you still want me, I’m here for you.”

She shook her head. “You weren’t here for me when you were herewithme. Bye, Aiden.”

She ended the call. She’d honestly thought that he’d said goodbye to his half of the deposit when he said goodbye to her. If he expected her to pay him back, she was even more screwed than she’d thought she was.

She looked out through the front window when she heard a car pull up outside. Her heart leaped into her mouth when she saw Jacob walking to the front door. Why did she have such terrible timing? Why couldn’t she have met him when she was in a better position? She wasn’t going to let her financial mess stop her from seeing him, but she knew without a doubt that it would cast a shadow over the time she spent with him. She wasn’t all carefree and able to get lost in the moment with him, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her from trying.

She reached the door just as he knocked on it and pulled it open.


He laughed. “Hi.”
