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“Wow.” She couldn’t resist leaning in and pressing a kiss to his chest. He was beautiful. It might be a strange word to use for a man, but it was true. His chest was lean and hard; she ran her fingers over well-defined muscles, then had to stop when he reached for her T-shirt and got rid of that, too.

She was down to her underwear now, and she loved the look in his eyes as he let his gaze travel over her. “You’re incredible, Becca.”

She shook her head.


She pressed her thighs together when he used that stern tone. It was even sexier when she was in his bed, almost naked. She looked up at him from under her lashes. “What?”

“You are.” He ran his hand down her side, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “You’re beautiful. Don’t you dare disagree with me.”

She swallowed, wondering what would happen if she did. She had to find out. “I’m not –” She only got those two words out before she found herself on her back, looking up into his smiling eyes.

“I did warn you.”

She let out a short laugh. Maybe she should be worried that he could manhandle her so easily, but she wasn’t. She loved it! She tugged at the waistband of his jeans. “Okay, I won’t argue with you anymore, but only because I need to get you out of these.”

He dropped a kiss onto her lips before rolling off the bed and shedding his jeans – and his underwear. She stifled a giggle at the thought that his ass looked – biteable. The laughter died in her throat when he turned around. There was no question that he made Aiden look like a boy by comparison – a very small boy!

He wrapped his fist around his cock and smiled. “One of us is wearing way too many clothes.”

She looked down at her bra and panties – and promised herself that she’d buy something other than plain white cotton soon. She’d kind of expected him to take them off her, but he was still standing beside the bed, smiling at her.

“Get naked for me, Becca.”

All the muscles in her stomach and lower tightened when he used that same commanding tone. It might have scared her, but she couldn’t be scared of him. His eyes let her know that she was safe. He was playing, not trying to control her.

She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. He actually licked his lips when she took it off and her breasts sprang free. She didn’t think she’d ever felt as sexy as she did in that moment – she knew she’d never felt so wanted.

“Panties, too.”

She pushed them down and he caught hold of them and tugged them off her ankles. She suddenly felt self-conscious. She didn’t want to be on display for him, didn’t want to think how many women had been here in his bed before her – and how she might compare to them. The doubts didn’t have time to take hold before he was on the bed beside her. And without knowing that he needed to, he did the only thing that could have made her feel better in that moment.

He closed his arms around her and hugged her to his chest. He pressed a kiss to her lips and then leaned back to look into her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“I am. How … how did you know?”

“Know what?”

“That that didn’t feel right?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “I didn’t know that you felt that way, but it didn’t feel right to me either. There was too much distance between us. I don’t want this to be … I don’t know what … a performance? I want this to be about us getting to know each other, about getting closer. So, here I am.” He smiled and closed his hand around her ass, pressing his cock into her stomach. “Closer.”

She chuckled and rubbed herself against him. “I like closer.”

“I do, too.” He slid his hand down the back of her thigh and pulled her leg up over his hip.

She clung to his shoulders when his hot, hard head pushed at her entrance. She rocked against him, but he pulled back. He reached for a condom from the drawer, and she watched him roll it over himself. Then he looked back into her eyes. “I told myself I wouldn’t need this for a while yet. I wanted to touch you, taste you, learn you first. But that can wait.”

She wrapped her leg over his hip again, nodding eagerly. She wanted all of that, too. But what she needed most was for him to …

She gasped when he stroked his fingers over her entrance, then circled her clit. She was soaking wet, aching to feel him inside her.

He guided himself to her entrance and she moaned when he pushed inside.

“Becca.” He didn’t use the stern tone this time. His sounded almost reverent.

She looked up into his eyes as he pushed deeper. His gaze locked with hers and his hand closed around her ass.
