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“Jacob!” She gasped his name and clung to his shoulders when he thrust deep and hard.

“You feel so good.”

She nodded. She didn’t have breath for words.

“Are you ready?”

She nodded again, and then he thrust one more time until he was all the way in, his hips flush with hers. He was so big, and so hard. She’d never known anything like it.

Then he started to move, and she felt like she might lose her mind. She moved with him, taking him deeper, clinging to him as he carried her higher and higher. In the past, she’d had a theory that sex was all about friction – if you could just rub the right things together at the right speed, they would catch fire.

Jacob proved she was wrong about that. There was nothing hurried about his movements, yet every thrust made her feel like she might dissolve in a puddle of molten lava around him. He looked deep into her eyes and then claimed her mouth again. His tongue mirrored the movements of his body – thrusting deep, exploring her, filling her.

When he lifted his head, he smiled. “Say that you want to be mine.”

As she stared back into his eyes, she felt herself tighten around him. He kept thrusting, deeper and harder, pushing her to the point of no return, pushing her to answer him.

“I … I … I …”

“You what, Becca?”

“Yes!” Her orgasm broke over her like a tidal wave. “Yes! Oh God, Jacob! Yes!”

He pushed her harder, as the whole world felt like it spun away, carrying her with it. Then it settled when he thrust hard and held deep, and she felt him let go. His release drove her higher as she pulsated around him, drawing him deep inside her and trying to hold him there as he gave her everything.

When they finally slumped together, he held her tight. She could feel his heart thundering in his chest, matching her own until they started to slow and return to normal.

He was still lodged deep inside her, the connection still so intimate. And when he kissed her again, she felt as though he was cementing his place inside her – body, heart, and soul.

“Say you’ll be mine?”

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she reached up and touched his face. “I am. How could I ever be anything else after that?”

His face relaxed and he nodded. “You can’t.”

Chapter Thirteen

Jacob opened his eyes slowly. He knew before he was even properly awake that he wasn’t alone in his bed, and for the first time in more years than he cared to remember, that knowledge didn’t give him a sinking feeling in his stomach. That was how he usually felt whenever he woke to find a woman next to him. It wasn’t regret. He didn’t see anything wrong with the way he lived – if he was honest, he’d seen his relationships as transactional. The women he dated got what they wanted from him in terms of gifts and being seen on the social circuit – and he got what he wanted from them in bed.

He frowned. The reason that he felt bad waking up next to a woman was that it meant that he couldn’t just get up and get on with his day. He had to be nice to them until he could get them on their way – and they were never usually eager to go.

He smiled as he tightened his arm around Becca’s waist. He’d woken up holding her. Her legs were tangled with his – that was novel in itself. He usually woke up hanging off the edge of his side of the bed when there was another occupant on the other side.

He pressed his face into Becca’s hair and breathed in the sweet smell of her. He had to get that close to smell her – that was another novelty. He was more used to dashing to the shower to try to wash away a heavy cloud of cloying perfume that clung to his skin.

He took a mental inventory of this new and very pleasant morning experience of having Becca in his bed. Instead of having that sinking feeling, he was thrilled that she was here. Instead of trying to stay away from her, he couldn’t get close enough. He raised his eyebrows and couldn’t help smiling. Instead of wanting to wash the smell and the feel of her off his skin, he wanted more of her.

And instead of being in a hurry to get rid of her, his heart sank at the thought that perhaps she might not want to stay.

He closed his eyes. She had to stay. She had to want to. He relaxed when he remembered the look in her eyes after the first time that he made love to her. When he’d asked her to be his, she’d told him that she was – and she was.

They’d talked for a while and made love again before they fell asleep. Then, in the middle of the night, he’d woken from a dream – a dream in which she’d told him she was going home to Kansas. He’d reached for her, needing to know that she was still there with him. She’d reached for him too and he’d lost himself inside her for the third time in one night – at thirty-nine, it was a long time since he’d managed that.

She made a little noise and stirred in his arms, but she didn’t wake. He didn’t want her to. Not yet. He just wanted to hold her for a little while longer. He needed to sort out his feelings – no, that wasn’t true. There was nothing for him to sort out. He knew how he felt about her. His feelings were all too clear. What he needed to figure out was what he was going to do about them. He knew what he wanted – knew what his end goal was. But he didn’t know how to ensure that he got there – how to ensure that she’d want it, too.

He looked out of the window as the early morning light touched the vineyards with the first color of the day. He’d always loved that that view was the first thing he saw every morning. It felt right, the vineyards were his world, his life. He looked back at Becca. Something inside him had shifted. Now, he wanted her to be the first thing that he saw every morning – for her to become his world and his life.

~ ~ ~
