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Becca blew out a sigh. “Because … there’s no easy way to say it … because he’s rich, and I don’t want you to hold that against him.”

She looked up to see Jacob standing in the doorway. Shoot! She hadn’t wanted him to hear that. She didn’t want him to know that her parents probably wouldn’t be thrilled that he was so wealthy. He was used to people who looked up to him because of it – not who held it against him.

She relaxed a little bit when he smiled and came to her. He dropped a kiss on her lips and stood back.

Her mom still hadn’t said anything.

“Are you still there?”

“I am. I’m just trying to figure out how I feel about that. On the one hand, I hate the thought of some dirty old man trying to buy my daughter’s affection.”

“Mom! You know I’m not like that!”

Her mom chuckled, and Jacob raised his eyebrows.

“I do. That’s why another part of me hopes that he’s a good guy who can give you everything you need – and I mean what really matters, not the stuff you can buy.”

“He is, Mom. He’s a really good guy.”

Jacob smiled at her when she said that. Then he pointed at the phone and whispered, “Can I say hi?”

What the heck. Why not? He hadn’t been thrilled when she told him that she was waiting before she told her parents that she’d moved in with him. Now that it had come out, it was probably better to start letting them get to know each other.

Becca nodded. “In fact, he just got home, Mom. Do you want to say hello?”

“I do, but can I ring you back in a minute? Your dad just came in as well. I’ll tell him what’s going on and then we’ll ring you back on the speakerphone so we can both say hello. How about that?”

“Okay, that works. Talk to you in a few minutes. Bye.”

Jacob gave her a puzzled look when she ended the call. “What’s going on?”

She went to him and pressed a kiss to his lips when he wrapped his arms around her. “First of all, hello.”

He chuckled. “Hey.”

“And second, my mom ran into Aiden’s mom, and she told her that I’d given him the deposit money back.”

Jacob nodded. He hadn’t been thrilled when she told him that she wanted to give Aiden the money. He’d said – and she knew he was right – that she shouldn’t have to pay him money out of her own pocket. They’d lost the deposit when they broke the lease – and he’d been the first one to break it by just moving out. She knew he was right, but giving Aiden the money had felt like she was making a clean break with him. They were no longer entangled in any way, not even financially.

“So, Mom wanted to know how I was able to afford to do that. They know how tight things were for me. So, she was worried what was going on. And I had to tell her that I’m living with you now.”

Jacob smiled. “Good. I’m glad she knows. What did she have to say about it?”

“Well, she’s a bit worried, of course. And my dad will be more so. Mom ended the call because he just got home, right when I asked if she wanted to talk to you. They’re going to call us back in a few minutes – so, you’ll get to talk to both of them. If that’s okay?”

She relaxed when he smiled. “It’s more than okay. You know I’ve wanted them to know how things are between us. I’ve wanted to talk to them, and I want to meet them. In fact, do you have any plans next weekend?”

She shook her head. “We talked about having dinner with Piper and Cameron, but we didn’t set anything up yet. Why?”

He kissed her forehead. “Because I’d like to meet your folks. Do you want to go and see them?”

“I’d love to, but we’ll have to wait until spring break.”

He frowned. “Why?”

“Because it takes a full day to get there and another day to get back. You can’t just do it in a weekend and …”

She stopped when she saw the smile playing on his lips. He cocked an eyebrow at her.
