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“Becca! Come on over!” Callie appeared at her side and slipped her arm through hers. “I can’t believe you’re here. Thanks so much for coming out. I’ve missed you. I want to hear all your news.” Becca turned to her old friend, trying to make herself say something. When she looked back at Jamie, he’d gone. She had no idea what he thought he was up to, but whatever it was, she just had to stay away from him. She’d get some of the guys to walk her back to the truck when she was ready to go – soon. She’d just have a drink with Callie and then go. She couldn’t enjoy herself knowing that Jamie was here.

She looked around as Callie walked her over to the others. He was heading toward the smaller back bar – and Brent was with him. She had to wonder if Brent even knew what he was up to.

As she stood there, nursing her cola and letting the conversation wash over her, she couldn’t help keeping one eye on Jamie. He seemed to be making a nuisance of himself. She watched him talk to one girl after another who made their way to the bar. Some of them gave him the brush off and some of them played right up to him.

She gasped when after he’d been talking to one girl for a while, he leaned in and kissed her. The kiss itself wasn’t so shocking. Some people went out to hook up, she knew that. What shocked her was that while he was kissing her, Jamie held his phone up and took a photo of it. When they came up for air again, he said something that obviously offended her because the girl cursed him out using words that Becca had no trouble lip-reading even from this distance, then she turned and walked away. As soon as she’d gone, Jamie took his phone out – to look at the picture, Becca assumed. What kind of weirdo was he?

Callie slipped her arm through hers. “You’re quiet, Becs. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Sorry. I’m good. I just … see that guy?” She pointed Jamie out.

“The one talking to Miranda?”

“Yeah.” Becca was surprised that Jamie seemed to be pulling the same act again. Miranda went for it even faster than the last girl had, but then she was like that.

When she flipped her hair over her shoulder and put her hand on his arm, Jamie wasted no time acting on the age-old signal and leaned in to kiss her.

Becca and Callie both watched him hold his phone up again and snap a photo.

“Eww!” Callie exclaimed. “Miranda didn’t even know he did that, did she? That’s creepy!”

“Isn’t it?”

“Yeah. What were you going to say about him?”

“That I kind of know him, and he kind of followed me here.”

Callie scowled. “My brothers are here. Do you want me to get them to kick his ass?”

“No. But I will ask them to walk me out to the truck in a bit. I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t feel comfortable staying for long.”

“I don’t mind. I love that you came. But promise me we’ll do a better job of keeping in touch in the future? I’ve missed you, Becs.”

“Aww. I promise. Let’s do that. I’ve missed you, too. You should come and see me.”

“I will. But if you’re going to be going home soon, come to the bathroom with me – for old times’ sake?”

Becca had to laugh, remembering all the nights they’d spent more time in the bathroom than at the bar, talking about boys and plotting their moves. “Let’s go.”

She felt Jamie’s gaze on her as they walked past the back bar, but she refused to look at him. As soon as she and Callie left the bathroom, she’d get one of her brothers to walk her back out to the truck, and hopefully, that would be the last she ever saw of Jamie. She was going to tell Jacob all about him tomorrow. The agency needed to know what he was like. She hadn’t called them today – she hadn’t made the time since she was with her folks, but she knew that Jacob would be on it on Monday.

She got finished in the bathroom before Callie, and since it was so crowded in there, she stepped back out into the hallway. As soon as she did, she felt an arm curl around her waist, and then she was pressed up against … Jamie. She started to scream, but his mouth came down on hers. She put her hands against his chest and tried to push him away. But even though he was only holding her with one arm, he was too strong. He pushed her against the wall as she struggled and ground his hips against hers. That made her want to throw up. The feel of his hard-on pressing into her stomach made her struggle harder.


Jamie let go of her as Callie’s shocked voice cried her name. Then, her old friend’s arm pulled back and she almost landed a blow to Jamie’s face, but he was too fast for her. He caught hold of her fist and twisted her arm away.

“Nice try.”

Callie let out a piercing whistle, and Becca felt like she must be hysterical when she started to laugh. She knew what that whistle would bring, but Jamie didn’t. He was still leering at her when two of Callie’s brothers appeared at the end of the hallway that led to the bathrooms.

Jamie was fast again. He pushed Becca back against the wall and ran for the emergency exit at the other end of the hallway. Callie’s brothers ran straight past them, following Jamie. Becca loved that they didn’t stop for an explanation. That whistle meant they were needed – they’d look out for their little sister first and ask questions later.

“Are you okay?”

Becca realized that she was shivering. “I am. He didn’t hurt me or anything. I’m fine. Honestly.”

“Good.” Callie shot a puzzled look toward the door where all three men had disappeared. “What the hell do you think that was all about?”
