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“Maybe. But I’d have to win Willow over first.” Slade waggled his eyebrows. “The only thing she knows for sure right now is that she doesn’t mind me spending the night. So …”

Jacob laughed. “So, what are you still doing here? I’ll see you when we get back.”

“You will. G’night.”


After he’d gone, Jacob took his phone out and sent Becca a text.

Jacob: Are you home yet? Want a chat when you are?

He stared at the screen, but she didn’t reply. He could hardly expect her to. She was out with her old friends. He didn’t begrudge her that. He smiled and finished his drink before he headed up to bed. He didn’t begrudge her anything – but he sure as hell missed her.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Becca was glad to get out of the house for the evening. She loved her folks dearly, but she’d spent all day answering their questions about Jacob and how she felt about him and what she thought the future would look like. That had been the easy part – she was happy to tell them all of that. It was listening to their words of caution that was harder. She could understand it from their point of view – she really could. She knew they worried about her. Heck, they used to worry about her when she still lived here in town, and they knew the guy she was with. It must be hard for them not knowing Jacob.

She just wanted tomorrow to hurry up and arrive so that they could meet him. She knew they’d feel better when they got to know him. She was pleased that they understood why he hadn’t come with her. Her dad had even said that he was pleased that he’d made Elliott’s dad’s funeral his priority. He wasn’t being funny about it, either.

She had to drive around the parking lot at Cattleman’s three times before she managed to sneak into a spot that someone else was just pulling out of. She cut the engine and patted the steering wheel of her dad’s truck – she chuckled to herself at the thought that she probably shouldn’t introduce him to Jacob as Steve!

It felt weird to be back here. She’d spent many a Friday and Saturday night here. She made a face. It used to be her and Aiden’s regular hangout. She was hoping that she wouldn’t run into him tonight. Her mom had told her that he was home for the weekend too – that was some coincidence. She hadn’t seen him since he left for Las Vegas, but even if she did see him, it shouldn’t be a big deal. They’d ended up on good terms – after she sent him his half of the deposit back. Her dad had given her a talking to about that as well. Oh well. At least she’d been able to tell him that was something that he and Jacob had in common – Jacob hadn’t given her a hard time about it, but she knew he’d thought she didn’t need to do it.

She looped the strap of her purse over her shoulder as she climbed out of the truck. She was glad she’d done it. She could have used that money herself, but she didn’t actually need it. It was all good.

She glanced over her shoulder when a car crawled by her. It sent a shiver down her spine, but that was silly. They were no doubt prowling, looking for a spot to park in just like she’d had to.

A wave of warm air and music hit her when she opened the front door. This place felt so familiar. It was loud tonight, too. The sound of people talking competed with the music and the smell – warm beer and warm bodies – reminded her why she hadn’t made more effort to go out in Napa. Now that she wasn’t with Aiden anymore, she could happily admit that this really wasn’t her scene.

“Becca!” She looked around to see who was calling her and grinned when she saw Callie waving at her from the bar. She was surrounded by a group of their old friends, and it made Becca smile to see so many old faces.

She waved back and started toward them but stopped dead when her purse stopped her. It felt like she’d snagged it on something, but when she turned around, her heart started to pound. It wasn’t something but someone.

She couldn’t believe it! Jamie had hold of her purse and was pulling her back toward him with a mean-looking smile on his face. She slid the strap off her shoulder. She’d rather let him have the purse than go anywhere near him.

“Let go! What are you even doing here?”

He let go of her purse and shrugged. “It’s a free country. I can go where I like.”

“Why here?”

He let his gaze travel over her, making her want to shudder, but she didn’t want him to see that he affected her. “I heard they have hot chicks here. Chicks who like to fuck.”

She just stared back at him. She didn’t know what to say.

He laughed. “Don’t look so scared, you’ll enjoy it. Selena says I’m way better than Jacob. You’ll see.”

“No! I won’t. I keep telling you I’m not interested. Why are you here? I can’t believe it’s a coincidence.”

“You’re not as dumb as you look, then. It’s no coincidence, sweetheart. I followed you.”

“You what? Why?”

“I told you. You screwed me over. I’m going to screw you.”

Becca had thought he was just sleazy and overconfident. Now, she was starting to wonder if he was crazy – and dangerous. “No, you’re not, I would never.”

He shrugged. “We’ll see. Either way, I’m going to return the favor.”
