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“Oh, shit, no!” he breathed as he watched Russ get to his feet and wrap Lizzie in a hug.

“What? What’s going on?”

“I have to go.”

“Not before you tell me what on Earth is going on. If you don’t tell me right now, I’m going to have to fly out there this afternoon.”

“I don’t know yet, Jacob. Not for sure. But the woman I just spent the night with? I think she’s Russ’s daughter.”

“Russ …? As in your mom’s …?

“Yeah.” Bentley’s heart felt like it might hammer right out of his chest. He wanted nothing more than to turn around and run in the opposite direction, but it was too late for that.

His mom was looking all around, no doubt looking for him. It wasn’t like him to be late. She spotted him and smiled and waved.

He swallowed, hard, and raised his hand. “I have to go,” he told Jacob.

“Okay, good luck. I’m here for you. Call me and let me know how it goes?”

“Sure, if I survive.”

Jacob let out a short laugh. “You’ll be fine. You’ll see.”

“Thanks.” As he ended the call, he wasn’t so sure about that. He liked Russ; he was a good guy. But Bentley didn’t think that he’d be too thrilled if he knew that he was having breakfast with the guy who’d slept with his daughter last night.

Chapter Five

Alyssa closed her eyes and wrapped her arms tightly around her dad’s waist. She loved the way it felt when he hugged her. As far as she was concerned, he was the best dad in the world. She hadn’t known him all that long, and she hated that, but she felt incredibly lucky to have him in her life now.

She’d only gotten to know him over the last few years. She thought that he was an amazing guy from the first time she met him – before she even knew he was her dad – but she was sad that he’d always been on his own. She hated that, thanks to her mum, she’d grown up believing that her stepfather was her father while her real father lived a solitary life an ocean away. Still, she was grateful that she got to be part of his life now, and that he’d met the woman he wanted to be with. Now, Alyssa got to be around him as much as she could, and she got to see him happy – and so obviously in love.

He kissed the top of her head and held onto her arms as he leaned back so that he could look at her.

“Damn, it’s good to see you. I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I am, too. I’ve been looking forward to this – to seeing you guys.” She turned to smile at Ria, who was standing off to one side, smiling.

Alyssa loved her, too. If she was honest, Ria wasn’t the kind of woman she would have picked out for her dad. But they were perfect together. Ria might be a little more … formal was probably the best word, but she wasn’t cold or aloof. From what Alyssa understood, it was just that she’d been raised very differently and, until she met her dad, she’d lived quite a formal life.

Alyssa held out an arm to her. They didn’t know each other all that well yet, and she knew that Ria wasn’t the huggiest person, but she hoped.

Her hope was rewarded when Ria stepped forward with a big smile on her face and wrapped her in her arms. “It’s lovely to see you again, darling. I’m so glad you could come. I do feel awful that you ended up staying at the resort, though.”

Alyssa choked back a laugh. She could hardly tell them why, but she could honestly tell them, “It isn’t a problem. I’m glad it worked out that way.”

She felt bad when Ria arched a perfectly groomed eyebrow.

“I mean, of course, I’d love to stay with you guys. But it wouldn’t be fair for me to stay there and not your son.”

Ria smiled and looked around. “I thought he’d be here by now; it’s not like him to be late.”

Alyssa looked at her dad when he chuckled. “He’ll be here,” he said. “I think it’ll do him good to spend the weekend here.” He smiled at Ria through pursed lips. “Especially, staying at the resort and not with us. It’ll give him the chance to chill out for once. It doesn’t matter if he’s late.”

Alyssa wondered what he meant but didn’t get the chance to ask and wasn’t sure that she would have anyway.

Ria raised a hand and waved as she said, “There he is.”

Alyssa followed her gaze, and her heart leaped into her mouth when she spotted Lee. She hadn’t expected to run into him again, but she had no idea why not. He was staying at the resort, too. And he had to eat. There was no reason that he wouldn’t come down to the restaurant.
