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Bentley shook his head. “You know me. I’d rather be upfront and honest. I hate hiding anything. But what were we supposed to do? They knew that we’d never met each other before and we’d only had the night at the resort. Even if we didn’t admit to spending the night together, it would’ve been obvious. Alyssa even said that she didn’t want her dad knowing that she’d been chatting up a guy at the bar.”

Willow shook her head. “Why not? Why shouldn’t she?”

“She wasn’t saying that there’s anything wrong with that, and neither am I,” said Bentley. He knew that his sister got pissed off when people seemed to think that it was okay for guys to go out and hook up but not girls. She had a point, too. “It’s just that she really cares what her dad thinks about her. And that’s not who she is.”

Willow frowned at him.

“Come on, sis. Nobody’s saying it’s a bad way to be. But it’s like you always say, the best way to be is true to yourself. And that’s just not who Alyssa is. You’ve talked to her before, haven’t you?”

“I have. And I know exactly what you mean. She’s a sweetheart.” She laughed. “But she’s not someone I’d ask to go out clubbing with me.”

Bentley had to smile. “Exactly.”

“So, what happens from here? Are you guys going to say anything to the folks yet? Are you going to give it some time first? I’d do that if I were you. There’s no point upsetting the apple cart if you guys are only going to see each other a couple of times and then call it quits.”

“I know.” He pressed his lips together as he thought about it.

“Mind if I say something?”

“Go ahead.”

“I know you, big brother. For all that Ollie and Reaves and I have tried to encourage you to get out and play the field, it’s just not who you are. You don’t do superficial in anything. You’re far too conscientious and upstanding to work your way through a string of women. You’re a one-woman kind of man.”

She leaned back in her chair before she continued. “Whether Alyssa turns out to be your one woman remains to be seen, but I’d put money on it. I can see the two of you working well together even from the little I know of her. But what I want to suggest is that you play it close to your chest for a while. You need to figure yourself out. You need to figure Alyssa out. And you need to figure out what a relationship between the two of you might look like. If you tell Mom and Russ at this point, you’re going to be trying to take their opinions and feelings intoconsideration – just because that’s who you are. And I know that’s great, and you’re one of life’s good guys, and all the rest of it. But when it comes to this – to you starting a relationship that might be important? The only opinions and feelings that matter are yours – and Alyssa’s.”

Bentley stared at her for a few moments. If anything, he’d expected that she might say there was no reason not to tell Mom and Russ, that it was no one else’s business what he did in his personal life. But the fact that she was telling him to put himself first spoke volumes. It told him that he wasn’t the only one who believed that he and Alyssa might be onto something more than just a quick fling.

When he didn’t say anything, she narrowed her eyes at him. “Please? Do it for me? Put yourself first for once in your life?”

He smiled at her and nodded. “Thanks, Willow.”

She smiled back at him. “You are most welcome. So, what are your plans for the weekend?”

He had to laugh as he checked his watch. “I have to run. Ollie and Reaves are waiting to fly me to San Francisco.”

Willow squealed and jumped up from her seat. “Awesome! You’re going to see her, right?”

“I am.”

“Say hi to her for me, and you guys have yourselves an amazing time.”

“Thanks. I believe we will.”

Chapter Twelve

Alyssa had joked with Bentley on the phone that she’d worn through the carpet with her pacing when she was waiting for his call. As she made another trip back from the kitchen to the living room window, she was starting to think that might turn out to be a prediction rather than a joke.

Her first week at the new job had gone well. She liked those guys, but it was just a preliminary contract. At the end of next week, she was going to present her findings to the management team. From there, they would decide how they wanted to proceed. She’d be happy to go in on a longer-term contract, but she wouldn’t be heartbroken if they decided against it. She had other clients on her waiting list.

Even though the job had gone well, the week had dragged. At least, it had since she spoke to Bentley. She could not wait for him to get here. She checked the clock on the microwave. Half an hour to go. Looking around the apartment, she felt pretty dumb for having tried to make the place look nice. It did look nice, but only as nice as it could with all her boxes stacked everywhere, ready to go.

She’d made sure that the sofa and coffee table were clear and accessible. She smiled to herself; the bedroom was a box-free zone. She didn’t know yet where things might go between the two of them, but she was fairly certain that things would lead them to bed later.

She might never have had a one-night stand before, and she didn’t plan to do it again in the future. But one unexpected upside was that having had sex first, that initial awkwardnessand uncertainty about whether and when it might happen was out of the way.

She ran for her phone when it beeped with a text and smiled when she saw that it was from him.

Bentley: Just landed. I don’t know how long
